The e-book The
veracity and connections of
the work Paulo e Estêvão,
by the sociologist and
spiritist researcher André
Ricardo de Souza, one of the
contributors to the
magazine The Comforter,
was published on Thursday,
July 8th, by EVOC – The
Comforter Virtual Publisher
Comforter. The work pays
homage to Francisco Cândido
Xavier's main mediumistic
book, authored by Emmanuel,
whose elaboration was
completed on the same date,
80 years ago. The e-book, as
with all EVOC publications,
is free to download.
This Sunday, our interviewee
is Adailton Barreira Moura,
from Vila Planalto, Brasília
(DF), who has lived since
childhood in Gama, one of
the satellite cities of the
Federal District.
Participating in spiritist
activities since 1988, he
works at the Spiritist
Center Nosso Lar, in which
he has held several
functions over time: Youth
evangelist and coordinator,
adult evangelist, childhood
evangelist, speaker and
director of many
departments, as well as the
position of president of the
"What did Spiritism come
to?" This question is the
title of the Special written
by our collaborator Cláudio
Bueno da Silva. In the
article, he says that
Spiritism needs to show what
it came for and that we, the
Spiritists, cannot miss this
moment of changes that the
planet is experiencing,
aligning discourse with
actions, with a view to
combating the outdated
materialist thinking that so
hinders the course of
events. “Contemporary
Spiritists have, therefore,
an urgent commitment”, says
the columnist.