Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Forgiveness

The forgiveness

Peter was upset. He had spent the last few minutes trying to skating, but suddenly the board slipped from his feet, hit the wall and broke one of its wheels.

The worst thing is that the skateboard wasn't his. Peter hadn't even borrowed. His friend had recently won the skateboard and had a lot of fun with it. When he saw the skateboard leaning against the wall of his friend's house, Peter decided to give it a try.

But now he didn't even know how to tell his friend, even less how to apologize for the damage. Peter left his skateboard in the garage of the house and went to the square. He sat on the lawn and just stood there, head down, thinking and whining.

There were other boys there chatting excitedly and getting ready to start a new game. They called Peter to play too, but he didn't want to.

Noticing that his friend was upset, Cadu asked:

– What’s up Peter? Why don't you want to play with us?

- It’s nothing. I’m not in the mood, that's all.

– But Peter, you are always one of the liveliest. If anything has happened, let it go. It's time to have fun.

– No way, Cadu! Something serious happened. I can't forget.

- Wow! Is it something with your family?

Realizing that Cadu really wanted to help him, Peter continued the conversation:

– No... It's something that happened to me and a friend of mine. He's going to be pissed at me when he finds out what I did. I'm sad about this and don't know what to do.

– But did you do it on purpose? – asked Cadu.

– No, I swear not! But I was careless and broke something he liked a lot.

– Peter, go talk to him. If he's your friend, he'll understand. Accidents happen, even if we are careful. Talk to this friend of yours, apologize and that's it. Do what? Staying there sad, doing nothing, it's just not possible.

Hearing Cadu's words, Peter brightened a little. He raised his head, looked at his friend and said:

- Do you really think that?

– Of course, Peter! You didn't mean it - said Cadu, smiling. – Go there and fix it soon and then come play with us, okay?

Cadu turned and started to walk towards the other boys when Peter said:

– Wait, Cadu! I was talking about you!

- What? What do you mean?

Cadu noticed Peter's sad look and spoke in annoyance:

– Wait a minute, Peter, are you saying that you broke something of mine?

– Sorry, Cadu! I was really looking forward to taking your skateboard for a while, but it slipped off my feet by accident. One of the wheels broke.

Peter, noticing that Cadu was starting to get nervous, talked nonstop, trying to justify himself and apologizing.

– Did It have to be the skateboard? You took my skateboard without asking me and broke it? Don´t talk to me anymore. I don't want to be your friend anymore.

Cadu frowned and went straight to his house. As he walked, he thought of all the things he had said to Peter before he knew the matter was with him. He remembered how upset his friend was about what had happened and also had time to think about his own reaction. Peter was wrong, but he was a good friend.

Cadu returned to the square. He found Peter in the same spot, still with his head down and looking sad.

– Peter, you shouldn't have taken my skateboard without asking me. But if you were the one with a skateboard, I think I'd feel like riding a bit too. Let's go home with me, go! I won't be mad at you anymore.

The next day, Cadu's father took the skateboard to be repaired, which didn't take long to be done. When it was ready, Cadu invited Peter to walk with him. After some time, Peter got his own skateboard and the two started to have fun together.

The unpleasant event passed, but the important thing is that the two friends managed to overcome the difficulties they had.

Peter learned not to take other people's things without asking and also to apologize when necessary. Cadu learned that it is easier say than make it. Still, he was able to forgive and also learned that a good friendship pays off.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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