
por Orson Peter Carrara

The launch in Alagoas of a Spiritist Portal gathering TV, radio and a magazine

Maria Lopes Milhomes (photo) is a retired Tax Officer in the city of Maceió, capital of the Brazilian state of Alagoas. In the Spiritist Movement, she is the coordinator of the Deus Conosco (God With Us) Spiritist Centre and vice-president of the Sistema Deus Conosco de Comunicação Espírita, a multi-media portal providing Spiritist content, as she explains in this interview.

When and how did you become a Spiritist?

My parents were Spiritists. So I’ve been a Spiritist since I was a child in Posse, state of Goiás. 

Which aspects of Spiritism attracts you the most? 

Reincarnation, the principle of Divine Justice and the Law of Cause and Effect. 

Tell us about the launch of Sistema Deus Conosco de Comunicação Espírita -- the Spiritist communication system.

It started in 2016, with the foundation of Deus Conosco Web Radio. During the coronavirus pandemic, we realised that we also need to focus on Facebook and YouTube, which use images and videos. It was always part of our plan to launch a magazine. Our publication, the Deus Conosco Spiritist Magazine, is now on its third issue. The Deus Conosco System is formed by the Web Radio, the TV station and the Spiritist Magazine. They are all called Deus Conosco, or God With Us. Internet users are the reason why the portal exists. We make a concerted effort to provide a wide range of material for different tastes and ages. 

Tell us a bit more about the magazine, Deus Conosco.

The magazine was an integral part of the plans for our portal, since the launch of the Web Radio five years ago. The magazine is now available online, but we will eventually launch a print version too. The editorial pieces and the cover story are translated into Esperanto, Spanish, Japanese and French as well as in inclusive language for people with visual impairment. 

What are the main lessons you have learned from your experience in Spiritism?

The will to rebuild my feeling, living according to the Christian principles in my daily life. 

What is your main memory from all the years in the Spiritist Movement?

The day when I met at the same time Chico Xavier and Torres Pastorino during a Spiritist seminar in Goiânia, the capital of the state of Goiás. 

What are the best links to access the Deus Conosco channels?

1) Web Rádio Deus Conosco – For the radio station click on Link-1 

2) On YouTube the Web Rádio can be accessed by clicking on Link-2

3) Deus Conosco Spiritist Magazine – the issues already published are available here: Link-3

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to invite you to join us and listen and watch the programmes of our portal and to read the Deus Conosco Spiritist magazine. Thank you for the opportunity to speak here about our portal, the Sistema Deus Conosco de Comunicação Espírita. May God be with us!



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita