Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 751- December 12, 2021

Where do animal souls go to after bodily death?

The topic at hand is one of the subjects examined by our collaborator Leonardo Marmo Moreira in the Special entitled “Wouldn't there be animals in the spiritual world?”. The issue divides opinions among Spiritism scholars, although several authors, such as André Luiz, Cairbar Schutel and Ernesto Bozzano, have dealt with the subject in a clear and objective manner, leaving no room for doubt. The article, which is one of the highlights of this edition, was divided into two parts and will thus be concluded in our next edition.

Professor with training in Biological Sciences and Pedagogy and Master in Education, Carlos Gomes, from Itajubá (MG), is our interviewee. Participating in activities developed by the Spiritist Center Fraternidade e Amor, in his city, in which he coordinates the Mediumistic Orientation Area, he tells us in the interview about the importance of reading the Spiritist classics and the current moment of the Spiritist movement. The interview is one of the highlights of this number.

The opera Ciro and Célia – A love story, composed by Alba das Graças Pereira, based on the spiritist novel Fifty years later, by Emmanuel, psychographed by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier, was staged 25 years ago at Teatro Villa Lobos, in Rio de Janeiro. Marcus De Mario speaks to us about the important event in a special article that is also one of the highlights of this issue.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita