Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 758 - February 6, 2022

An existence marked by great challenges

The sentence above refers to the confrere Wellington de Melo, from Tupaciguara, Minas Gerais and current president of the Eurípedes Barsanulfo and Paulo Apostolo Spiritist Center in his city. In the interview he gave us, he alludes to the challenges he faced in his current existence and, among them, the car accident in which his wife and son Rafael, only 2 years and 10 months old, disincarnated; and tells us how he became a spiritist and his experiences of spiritist living. The interview is one of the highlights of this issue.

Another highlight is the Special entitled “The paths of evolution”, authored by our collaborator Altamirando Carneiro, from São Paulo, capital. In the article, he reminds us that at all times of Humanity, different messengers came to Earth with the mission of guiding us in the search for our spiritual improvement. Abraham, Moses and Jesus were some of those missionaries whose teachings, if observed and applied, can lead us to the goal for which we were created, which is the possible perfection in the world which we live in.

In mid-December 2021, a portentous biographical research, the book “Bezerra de Menezes: the man, his time and his mission (Bezerra de Menezes: o homem, seu tempo e sua mission)”, by Luciano Klein, was released by the Spiritist Federation of the State of Ceará (FEEC) and by the Bezerra de Menezes Memorial (MEBEM). In a special article, which is one of the highlights of this edition, Antonio Cesar Perri de Carvalho, former president of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, tells us about this work and its importance to the Brazilian Spiritist movement.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita