The myth of
Narcissus still seems to
spring from our guts
The sentence above is
authored by Arleir F.
Bellieny and is part of the
Special “The vanities of the
ego and the good man”, which
we publish today. Clinical
psychologist, the columnist
reminds us of the evil that
results from the excessive
exaltation of one's own
personality, which makes the
person feel the center of
attention. A consequence of
this is the wrong decisions
he makes and the surprising
reactions he has to the
difficulties that arise in
life. The article is one of
the highlights of this
Another highlight is the
interview given to us by
Marina Gevartosky Torrezan,
vice president of the
Without Charity There is No
Salvation Spiritist Group
(Fora da Caridade Não Há
Salvação), in Piracicaba
(SP), where she lives. It
was founded on March 25,
1906 by a group of friends,
including Pedro de Camargo,
better known by his
pseudonym Vinicius, the
institution will complete
116 years of existence in
five days. Vinicius'
influence on the institution
is mentioned by Marina in
the interview.
On a day like today (March
20th) it was born
in 1833 in Currie, Scotland,
Daniel Dunglas Home, one of
the most remarkable psychics
of physical effects in
history, who, at the age of
9, moved to the United
States with an aunt on whom
he was financially
dependent. The trajectory of
the remarkable medium is
remembered by Ana Moraes in
a special article that is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.