What the new
coronavirus pandemic caused
in spiritist activities
“When the pandemic came, we
went a week without a
‘north’.” This sentence is
authored by our interviewee,
Márcio Antonio Dias, current
president of the Spiritist
Studies Center Caminho de
Luz, in Bertioga (SP). The
activities of the House
before the pandemic and
after it, when face-to-face
meetings were suspended, are
one of the subjects
addressed in the interview
he gave to this journal. The
article is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
second part of the Special
entitled The end of the
world, by the scholar
and spiritist writer
Eurípedes Kühl, from
Ribeirão Preto (SP). At the
conclusion of the article,
the columnist says that
earthly humanity will start
a new evolutionary cycle
when moral progress is equal
to material progress,
promoting the Earth to the
condition of a world of
regeneration, which will
mean not the end of the
world, but the end of the
current materialistic world.
Last Monday, the 4th, the
traditional periodical
“Mundo Espírita”, edited by
the Spiritist Federation of
Paraná, completed 90 years
of existence. It was founded
in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) by
Henrique Andrade, the
newspaper first circulated
on April 4, 1932 and for 16
years was directed by its
founder. From 1953 onwards,
already being published in
Curitiba, it became the news
and doctrinal organ of the
Spiritist Federation of