
por Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira

Vital fluid in the Spiritist understanding

Part 2 and final

Vital fluid in the work of Yvonne Pereira - In the main mediumistic work of Yvonne do Amaral Pereira, the book Memoirs of a Suicide (Memórias de um suicida), by the Portuguese writer Camilo Castelo Branco, we identify some concepts about vital fluid that complement Kardec's thought.

According to the work, vital fluids are fluids proper to all living beings and that unite the Spirit to the material body during incarnation. After death, before the Spirit orients itself, gravitating towards its true "spiritual home", it will always be necessary to stage in an "antechamber", in a region the density of which y and distressing local configurations will correspond to the vibratory and mental states of the newly disembodied. There he will stay until he is naturally "deanimalized", that is, he gets rid of the fluids and vital forces with which all material bodies are impregnated. i

It clarifies that the stay will be temporary in this threshold of the Beyond. There are those who only linger there for a few hours. Others will take months, consecutive years, returning to reincarnation without reaching Spirituality.

When it comes to suicides, the case takes on special proportions, because it is painful and complex. These will generally linger there for the time they still have left to complete the commitment of existence that they prematurely cut, because they bring large loads of animalized vital forces. ii

When describing the condition of different entities disembodied through suicide, preferably coming from Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Portuguese colonies in Africa, the spiritual author informs that a large part of the disturbance that affects and upsets these Spirits is the fact that they accompany, even in the spiritual dimension, vital forces, often intact, whose function would be to vitalize the physical organization. Such a deplorable state of affairs continues until the reserves of vital and magnetic forces are exhausted, which varies according to the degree of vitality of each one.

Camilo comments that these entities carried, hanging from them, fragments of a luminous, phosphorescent cord, which, shattered, as if violently broken, broke off in splinters like a compact cable of broken electrical wires, releasing fluids that should remain organized for certain purpose. According to the author, this apparently insignificant detail was of capital importance, since it was precisely in it that the disorganization of the suicidal state was established.

The medium clarifies, in a footnote, that this magnetic fluidic cord, which connects the soul to the carnal envelope and communicates life to it, should only be in appropriate conditions to separate from it at the time of natural death, which then will be done naturally, without shocks, without violence. With suicide, however, once it is broken and not disconnected, rudely torn away, torn apart when still in all its fluidic and magnetic strength, it will produce a large part of the imbalances, since, in the vital constitution for the existence that should be, many times, long, the reserve of magnetic forces had not yet been extinguished, which leads the suicidal person to feel like a "living dead" in the most expressive meaning of the term.

The spiritual author also clarifies that the transfer of entities housed in the rescuer institution to “intermediate” layers of the Invisible is conditioned to the disintegration of these fluids. It will be necessary to disaggregate from it the powerful layers of vital fluids that covered its physical organization, adapted by special affinities of Great Mother Nature to the astral organization, that is, to the perispirit, which accumulate in it in sufficient reserves for the commitment of existence; finally, that the same affinities cool down, a work that in the individuality of a suicidal person will be accompanied by the most distressing difficulties, of impressive slowness, for, only then, to obtain vibratory possibility that provides him with relief and progress. iii

As for the participation of the vital fluid in mediumistic phenomenology, the work describes the mediumistic environment of a spiritist group, visited by workers from the Mary of Nazareth complex, and saturated with animalized fluids from the mediums and incarnate assistants. Such resources will be necessary for the different procedures of spiritual help to the sick entities and for the mediumistic exchange itself. iv

Vital fluid in the work of Chico Xavier

We identified some considerations on the subject mainly in two works of spiritual authorship by Andre Luiz: In the domains of mediumship and Workers of eternal life.

In In the Domains of mediumship, when describing the unfolding of the medium Antonio Castro, the author makes reference to the vital fluid. Here's the story for better understanding:

A whitish vapor emanated abundantly from the thorax, which, accumulating in the form of a cloud, quickly transformed, to the left of the dense body, into a slightly larger duplicate of the medium.

Our friend, as it were, revealed himself to be more developed, presenting all the particularities of his physical form, appreciably dilated.

The spiritual director of the house subjected the mediator to a delicate magnetic intervention that it would not be licit to disturb or interrupt.

The medium, thus disconnected from the carnal vehicle, took two steps away, revealing the vaporous cord that bound him to the somatic field. While the physiological equipment was resting, motionless, Castro, groping and astonished, appeared next to us, in a strange copy of himself, because, in addition to being larger in its external configuration, it was bluish on the right and orange on the left. He tried to move, however, he seemed to feel heavy and restless...

Clementino renewed the magnetic operations and Castro, unfolded, retreated, as if juxtaposing himself again to the physical body.

I verified, then, that this contact resulted in a singular difference. The carnal body instinctively swallowed certain bands of force that imprinted a manifest irregularity on the perispirit, absorbing them in a way that was incomprehensible to me. From that moment, the companion, outside the vase of dense matter, kept the bearing that was characteristic of him. He was now quite himself, without any deformity, light and agile, although he continued to be chained to the physical envelope by the aeriform loop, which seemed thinner and more luminous, as Castro-Espirito moved among us. While Clementino encouraged him with friendly words, our supervisor, certainly signaling our curiosity, was quick to clarify:

– With the help of the supervisor, the medium was conveniently exteriorized. At first, his perispirit or "astral body" was covered with vital effluvia that ensure the balance between the soul and the flesh body, known as the "etheric double", formed by neuropsychic emanations that belong to the physiological field and that, for this very reason, cannot get farther away from the terrestrial organization, being destined to disintegration, as much as happens to the carnal instrument, on the occasion of the renewing death. To better adjust to our environment, Castro returned these energies to the defenseless body, thus guaranteeing the indispensable heat to the cellular hive and disentangling himself, as much as possible, to enter the service that awaits him. v

We highlight from the text some concepts related to the vital fluid:

- Ensures the balance between the soul and the body, offering “heat” indispensable to the cellular hive.

- Corresponds to what some spiritualist schools call the ethereal double.

- It is intended for disintegration with physical death.

- It is formed from neuropsychic emanations, related to the physiological field, although this does not seem very clear to us.

- The bands of force, which correspond to the vital fluid, may eventually move away from the physical body, “adhered” to the perispirit, during the spiritual unfolding.

In the book Workers of Eternal Life, the author praises the value of externalizing the medium's vital fluids for materialization phenomena, and comments on the need to extinguish the fluids that connect the Spirit to the corpse, for the definitive perispiritual disconnection.vi

When describing Dimas' disincarnating, he reveals, in a way that is still poorly understood, which part of this fluid is used in the reconstruction of the new spiritual body. Here's the story:

I had the clear impression that through the fluidic cord, from the dead brain to the living brain, the disincarnate absorbed the remaining vital principles of the physiological field. Only then did I notice that, if the perispiritic organism received the last forces from the inanimate body, this one, in turn, also absorbed some energy from the other, which maintained it without notable alterations. The silver appendix was a true fluidic artery, sustaining the ebb and flow of the vital principles in readaptation. With the last interchange removed, the corpse showed signs, almost immediately, of advanced decomposition.vii


[1] Memoirs of a suicide, part I, chap. 6.

[2] Idem.

[3] Memoirs of a suicide, part I, chap. 1.

[4] Memoirs of a suicide, part I, chap. 6.

[5] In the Domains of Mediumship, chap. 11.

[6] Workers of Life Eternal, chap. 14.

[7] Workers of Life Eternal, chap. 15.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita