Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Good relationship

The tools’ meeting

Once, the tools of a carpentry got together and started to complain about each other. They said to the hammer:

- You are very noisy; you keep knocking that even frighten us.

The hammer spoke:

- Why do you complain about me? The screw is much worse than me. He just rolls around and around and around. It even makes us dizzy!

The screw took advantage and said:

- At least I'm not like sandpaper, which is rough and scratches everything he touches!

The sandpaper, being mentioned, also entered the conversation and, feeling that the atmosphere was of accusations and complaints, took advantage and, also said:

- My protest is against the measuring tape. He keeps measuring everything according to his measure, meaning that he is the one who knows things. I don’t like him!

At this moment the carpenter entered, and the meeting was interrupted.

The carpenter came with his son and began to show him the tools:

– Son, this is the hammer. It is very useful and strong. This is a screw, which is used to firmly join the boards together. There is also the measuring tape, which makes precise measurements. I need it so that the pieces of wood are the right size to fit together. This is the sandpaper, which leaves the material clean, smooth, and beautiful.

The carpenter also showed the screwdriver, the bucksaw, and other tools. He explained that they were all different and important. Each one was used for specific tasks.

To finish the demonstration, the father showed his son some beautiful and resistant furniture that he had made with the help of tools.

Listening to the carpenter's explanations, the tools became thoughtful. Each one had its flaws, but they had very good qualities as well.

When the carpenter and his son left, the tools started talking again, but this time the conversation was different.

They stopped complaining about each other. And they rejoiced, talking about the furniture they made, and even praised each other.

They realized that the furniture that emerged as a result of their work was only built because the carpenter valued the qualities more than the flaws of each one.

The practice of daily work has not changed in the carpentry shop, but one important thing has changed: the tools began to see each other's qualities more than their defects and began to live together in peace and harmony.


(Adapted from a text by Father Antônio Queiroz.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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