Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 771 - May 8, 2022

A new look at the advent and development of the spiritist doctrine

In an article published in the Magazine of Modern and Contemporary History (Revista de História Moderna e Contemporânea), Guillaume Cuchet, professor of contemporary history and specialist in the history of religions, discusses the emergence and development of the Spiritist Doctrine, a fact that took place during the Second Empire in France. This is the subject of the Special that we publish in this issue, authored by our collaborator Rogério Miguez. The article is one of the highlights of this issue.

Another highlight is the interview that Murilo Viana, responsible for the marketing sector of the publishing house Spiritist Letter (Letra Espírita), gave to our magazine. He was born in Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), where he lives, our interviewee, who has a degree in Law and a degree in Marketing, tells us, among other things, about his editorial experience and the performance of the aforementioned publisher.

On April 30th and May 1st, at the Centro Cultural e Congressos de Caldas da Rainha (Portugal), the XVI edition of the Journeys of Spiritist Culture of the West was held, whose central theme was “Science and Spiritism”. It was divided into three panels, various areas of knowledge were addressed at the event, as our collaborator José Lucas tells us in a special article.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita