Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Charity

The greatest charity

Neide and her daughter Claire were getting ready to go to the spiritist center they attended.

The mother collaborated in a relief work and that day she had invited Claire to go with her, as her daughter was already grown and could help with some small tasks.
When they arrived at the Spiritist Center,
the place was already busy.

There were many needy people who came to receive donations.

At the start of work, a collaborator said a prayer and read a few paragraphs from the book The Gospel According to Spiritism. Then he spoke about God's laws, Jesus' teachings, and love. When he was done, he said another prayer thanking God for his life and for the donations that had been received. He also prayed for the people who were there and asked God's blessings for everyone.

Claire watched it all, sitting next to her mother. She found the words about love beautiful and important. But despite that, she noticed that some people didn't pay attention and kept talking quietly or almost asleep.

As soon as the prayer was over, people quickly stood up and formed a line to receive the donations. Several collaborators delivered lunchboxes with warm and food smelling good to anyone who passed by. Neide and Claire joined them to help.

Clothes and diapers were also distributed according to the needs of each family.

When all the deliveries had been made, the volunteers, including Neide, cleaned and tidied everything up.

The work took most of the afternoon and Claire got tired. When they were done, Neide asked:

- Did you like it, darling? Practicing charity does us so much good. How good it is to know that these people will have something to eat, isn't it?

Claire agreed, but she was still tired from having been there so many hours.

- I liked it, it's a really nice job, Mom. It just takes too long!

- Yes, daughter, it takes time because there are many people in need and also because we receive many donations, thank God!

- Mom, I have an idea for work to go faster. You could take that gospel explanation part and go straight to giving. It's what people really want! I don't even know if it's any use talking about Jesus' lessons, because they barely pay attention.

Neide smiled at her daughter's naivety and replied:

- Yes, daughter, we know that many of them stay at the lecture just because it's a demand we make in order to get what they come for. But we can't take that part out of the job because it's the biggest charity they're getting here, without even knowing it. Food and clothing are for the body, but the gospel of Jesus is for the spirit. We can't just take care of the body's needs because it's transitory. We also need to take care of the spirit because it is immortal. How many mistakes can be avoided through knowledge of Jesus' teachings! We can't stop with what's the most important thing, don't you think?

Claire reflected a little and said:

- Wow, it's true, Mom. I haven't thought so!

- Many don't pay attention - said Neide - But they can hear some parts and little by little they can keep learning the teachings. And if we have the chance to educate the soul of a person, it's worth it, don't you think?

The two looked at each other and smiled.

On the way home, Claire thoughtfully analyzed the experience of that afternoon. Before she arrived at work, she knew that she would practice charity and that she would help deliver food. What she didn't expect was to have the lesson her mother had given her: that the greatest charity of all is the education of the spirit for good.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita