Theme: Respect, Education
Tangu the Bear
In a very green and flowery forest, there was a chubby
and beautiful bear, with brown fur, called Tangu.

The teddy bear was very beautiful,
but his beauty was worthless. And why? Because he was
rude. Not even his friends and relatives wanted stay by
his side.
One day, when passing by the table
tennis club, Tangu knew that there would be a
competition. Enthusiastic, as it was his favorite game,
he became interested, wanted to participate in the
championship. He prepared the uniform and attended
training with great enthusiasm! However, the complaints
against the teddy bear started very early.
When he arrived at the club, he used
to say to the doorman, Mr. Tiger:
- Open there!
The doorman, very embarrassed, opened
the door and Tangu didn't even thank him. He would start
training without greeting anyone. At the end of the
game, he threw the ball away, making the next player run
to get it.
If he lost a match, he would come out
angry, pushing everyone, complaining about the referee.
There were so many complaints that even Mr. Lion,
director of the club, became aware of Tangu's bad
- He has no manners, Mr. director!
- He cannot participate in the
- He’s rude, not a good fellow. He
pushes everyone. He is rude.
Concerned, Mr. Lion ask for Tangu.
Apprehensive, the teddy bear ran to find out what the
director wanted:
- What do you want with me?
– Tangu, I cannot allow you to
continue among the players. I ask you to withdraw from
the club.
Very tense, almost crying, the teddy
bear asked:
– Why, director? I'm a good player
and I'm sure I'll win the competition!
– I know you play well, but we can't
have players who don't respect their teammates. That are
– But, director, what have I done?
– You seem to have done nothing, yet
you don´t have good manners. Asking permission to enter,
not pushing, know how to thank people. They are much
more important in our life. We need to get used to
respect people. So, we became sociable.
Tangu turned red with embarrassment
and said, very awkwardly:
- If I change myself, will I be able
to stay among the players?
The Lion thought for a while and
- Well, I'll let you stay another
week. If there is a change in your habits, in your way
of treating your colleagues, you will be able to
Tangu walked away from there and went
home, thoughtful. He couldn't miss the table tennis
championship. It was necessary to change, and soon!
Along the way he started training:
- How have you been, Mr. Elephant?
- Hello, Mr. Monkey!
- Do you want some help, Miss
What would have happened to Tangu?
The animals were very amazed... A few days passed and
the teddy bear was becoming gentle!
When he went to the club, passing the
doorman, he said:
- How are you, Mr. Tiger? Open the
door please! Thank you very much!
Mr. Tiger was very surprised when
Tangu thanked him.
And Tangu really changed. In
training, he made effort to be polite. He didn't yell at
the referee and even handed the ball and racket into the
hands of the next player!
At the end of the given period, the
director allowed Tangu to compete. He played so well
that he even won the championship!
Everyone congratulated him on his
victory, having a great party!
Tangu realized that being polite is
worth it, it is much more pleasant and nice, as it helps
us to have many companions and friends.
from the Evangelization booklet by Editora Aliança,
Jardim B.)
Larissa Martine -
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