
By Jorge Hessen

Modern Bestialities

Violence of all grades tarnishes the sociological achievements of this century. It erupts at all levels of society, manifesting itself in multiple magnitudes. We read a newspaper, a magazine; we watch television and bestiality is pervasive, whether in the news, in documentaries, or in films (including “children's” cartoons), and on shows on TV that are increasingly obscure in terms of ethical values.

The ferocity of civilized man has its roots deep and powerful in the thick black jungle of violence. Homo brutalis has its rules: subjugate, humiliate, torture and kill. Currently (with) or (over) we live in the face of multiple characteristics of human brutality that often indicate organized actions by young people who act in groups against material patrimony and individuals, commonly linked to the gangs that demarcate territories.

Active measures to abbreviate violence

In Brazil, homicide is the most common crime. In addition to murders, drug trafficking, gang wars, political instability, corruption and poverty influence the high level of violence in cities. The administrative deficiency of the State forges criminal leaders who "govern" communities with their own "codes of laws". In view of this, it is important that every government official invest in projects to pave the streets, expand public lighting, restore squares, and build schools and health clinics, control the hours of establishments that sell alcoholic beverages in the places most affected by crime.

These are effective (although still palliative) measures to reduce the barbarity of urban violence. Because we all fear violence, obviously. Many frightened citizens build giant, high walls “adorned” with concertinas and electrified wires around their homes, trying to maintain domestic “peace”. They hire security guards to protect their businesses and homes. They install sophisticated video equipment to alert them to the arrival of possible usurpers of their assets.

Intimate Violence

The gauntlets of brutality continue to ferment hideous competitions in new sociocultural structures. The historical proof of this is, today, before our eyes, in the outbreak of violence at all levels in the contemporary world, especially against the elderly, women and children.

Not to mention another type of violence to which we pay little attention: it is the one that within each one of us. Intimate violence, which some feed daily, allowing it to become a hungry animal. We are in a conjuncture of new anthropophagy, overestimated and refined by the techniques of arena fights, as if they were sports of modern conceptions.

The Model and Guide in the Social Core

Jesus remains the Model and Guide, so it is essential that we practice the Gospel in the various sectors of society, contributing with the share of meekness to pacify it. Only the experience of the Gospel can establish the foundations of concord, of fraternity and constitute effective antidotes to minimize the violence that still ravages the Earth.

The spiritist postulates are antidotes to violence, since those who know it know that they will not be able to exempt themselves from their social responsibilities, knowing that their future will be a result of the present. The Christian-Spiritist must arm himself with wisdom and love, to meet the struggle that has been unleashed in social scenarios in general, encouraging concord and forgiveness, in any anarchic and disturbing conjuncture of modern life, because when society prays, Jesus dwells on the social core.

Education and Submission to God

Today, in the age of technology, the instruments of oppression, torture and annihilation, which man has at his disposal, reach their climax in the face of their utmost refinement. A legitimate education is one in which spiritual powers govern social life. However, the "contemporary man" who calls himself "civilized" is proud of his ability to subjugate others, to command, to impose fear, when the ideal would be to teach his offspring human respect and submission to God.

The moral degradation of the “coeval man” opened the floodgates of violence, weakly dammed by the artificial barriers of the intriguing “civilization”. This deformation of the mind and the debasement of conscience dehumanized the "homo sapiens" himself, artificialized by violence in his method of action, justified by his personal value, for the recognition of his power, which, imperiously, intoxicates him and has led him to dangerous excesses.

Spiritism as a powerful pillar for social pacification

Analyzing this picture, the condition of our world of expiation and proof becomes explicit, which is characterized by the "dominion of evil". It is necessary that we identify, in more depth, the determinant agents of this process, so that we can intervene rationally in our sphere of action.

Those who study Spiritism, and strive to practice its precepts, see themselves better equipped for life in society in the troubled times in which we live, finding logical and rational concepts for the understanding of life in a conscious evangelical vision.

It is true that today's society is not reduced to irretrievable ruins. In this way, the worthy spiritist is called to the role of the robust beam, capable of showing that not everything has been lost. Despite having the impression that Humanity is in the process of disintegration, we believe that the loyal spiritist is invited to protect himself by a healthy cell, capable of opening the way to the recovery of the social organism.

The honorable spiritist, wherever destruction arises, becomes an appeal for remaking; where indiscipline breaks out, order becomes the mainstay and, where pessimism rages, it immediately rises up as a message of hope. Therefore, the solution that the Spiritist Doctrine presents to violence is education in its broadest sense. Spiritism, essentially educational, calls us to love and instruction that will be able to form a new mentality among men.

The golden rule of love will prevail in today's world still ruled by the pretext of violence. In the set of actions of the Superior Spirits, Spiritism will definitely take its place. This is equivalent to affirming that this sui generis position of Spiritism will make it possible to prepare the current man for a normal and dignified existence in the future, if Spiritists remain vigilant and cautious.

In summary

The Spiritist Centers, as spiritual emergency rooms, can contribute a lot in the work of prevention and assistance to victims of violence, in both dimensions of life, through measures that encourage them to study the Laws of God.

The Spiritist Center, in addition to encouraging the practice of the Gospel starting at home, offers first aid resources for spiritual treatment: pass, disobsession, and fluidized water, fraternal care (assistance work that gives rise to dialogue, guidance, accompaniment and clarification, with doctrinal foundation to all, without distinction).

Therefore, let us intensify and improve more and more the preventive and therapeutic actions, already underway in our Spiritist Centers, that in the most serious cases of the victims of the wild beasts of the stone jungles, we refer them to spiritist institutions for specific assistance, clinics, sanatoriums, hospitals, etc.

May the Spiritist Institutions always be in tune with the teachings of the Basic Works and Complementary Works and their purpose of harmonizing social life on Earth and well contributing to the spiritual ascent of the human creature to the upper levels of life.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita