The existence
of spiritual cities is not
an invention of
The existence or not of
spiritual cities is a matter
that, despite the fact that
so many works signed by
serious authors have dealt
with the subject, continues
to raise discussions, often
fierce, among the spiritists
themselves. If Allan Kardec
wrote nothing about it, say
the opponents of the idea,
it is that such information
is not valid. The issue is
examined by Paulo Neto in
the article entitled
“Spiritual colonies would be
circumscribed places, how
so?”, which is one of the
highlights of this issue.
Another highlight is the
interview that José Maurício
de Mello Brito, who was born
in Rio de Janeiro but lives
in Brasília (DF), gave to
our colleague Orson Peter
Carrara. Graduated in Social
Communication, our
interviewee is a
professional journalist and,
in spiritist activities,
participates in the
activities of the Spiritist
Communion of Brasília, one
of the main spiritist
institutions in the capital
of Brazil. In the interview,
he tells us about his
experience and trajectory as
a spiritist.
The work Spiritist
Bioethics, organized by
the doctor José Roberto
Pereira Santos, is the new
release of AME-Brasil
Editora. The book
approaches, with a medical-spiritist
perspective, the concepts of
ethics, morals and bioethics
from the beginning of life
to the final moments of
human existence. In an
interview given to
journalist Giovana Campos,
the organizer of the work
tells us about its content
and proposal. The article is
one of the highlights of
this issue.