Spiritism For Kids

By Marcela Prada


Theme: Cooperation

The best wine

In the Italian Alps there was a small village that was dedicated to growing grapes for wine production. Once a year, there was a big party to celebrate the success of the harvest.

At this party, following tradition, each wine producer, resident of the village, brought a bottle of their best wine and poured it into a large barrel that was in the central square. Everyone acted this way, and the result was a barrel full of excellent quality wine. It was a gesture of gratitude for the production of the year and sharing the blessings received with neighbors and friends.

However, that year, one of the residents thought:

- Why should I take a bottle of my purest wine? I'll take water in the bottle. It is going to have so much wine, mine won't be missed. And even if the mixed of wine is not good, they'll never know that I added water!

And so, he did.

At the highest moment of the party, as usual, everyone gathered in the square with their mugs to get a portion of that prime quality wine.

It was supposed to be a moment of great satisfaction, however, as they turned on the tap of the barrel, a silence fell over the crowd. Only pure water came out of the barrel.

It was the biggest disappointment! Nobody knew what to say. Producers looked down.

Soon everyone understood what had happened. Everyone thought the same way: “if I don't cooperate, no one will notice”.

But the opposite happened. All were exposed.

The party ended and the people went to their homes saddened and ashamed.

But since mistakes and negative experiences can also be used for good, what happened that year was a beautiful lesson for everyone.

The following year, and the years that followed, no one else thought of acting that way. Inhabitants had learned that everyone's collaboration is what makes the final result. We should always do well our part, and not just expect others to do it for us.

Everyone collaborated again with their best wines and the party was once again very delicious and happy.


(Adapted from the text of the website Passatempo Espírita.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita