Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 783 - July 31, 2022

For the ABRADE´s president, Chico Xavier was the greatest spiritist communicator of the 20th century

The above thought is from our colleague Marcelo Firmino Dias, current president of ABRADE – Brazilian Association of Spiritists Spreaders, our interviewee this Sunday. In the interview, he tells us about his experience in the field of spiritist dissemination and also about the ideas and programs that ABRADE intends to develop in the coming years. The article, authored by our collaborator Orson Peter Carrara, is one of the highlights of this issue.

Another highlight is the Special entitled The Emblem of the Creator's Work, by the writer and contributor to this magazine Paulo Hayashi Jr. In the article, he reproduces the message, contained in the Prolegomena, a kind of preface that opens The Spirits' Book, by Allan Kardec, in which the Spirits asked for a drawing of a strain drawn by the Spirits themselves to be placed in the header of the book, thus symbolizing the Creator's work.

The e-book “Initiation to the Spiritist Doctrine: 5 – Religious Aspect of Spiritism” is the new release of EVOC, the virtual publisher of O Consolador. It has been published on July 28, the book completes the series “Initiation to the Spiritist Doctrine”, by Astolfo Olegário de Oliveira Filho. The e-book, as with all EVOC publications, can be read
or downloaded for free.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita