Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 785 - August 14, 2022

Any task in the spiritist house is a legitimate door for our improvement

The thought contained in the above sentence is part of the conclusion of the Special “Learning to improve yourself”, authored by our collaborator Vladimir Alexei, who understands that changing habits requires the use of a strategy that extends over time, so that the individual makes efforts capable of providing the transition between a harmful habit and other habits more in line with what is desired for the future. The article is one of the highlights of this issue.

Another highlight is the interview given to us by Silvia Maria Ruella de Freitas, from Minas Gerais based in the city of Seropédica (RJ). A Spiritist by birth, she works as a volunteer at the Paulo de Tarso Spiritist Center, in her city, and also has an important role in carrying out the Gospel with Coffee program, an idea born during the coronavirus pandemic, about which she tells us in her interview.

This week was another anniversary of the disincarnation - which took place on August 10, 1969 - of D. Aurora de los Santos de Silveira, pioneer of the Uruguayan Spiritist movement and founder of the Hacia la Verdad Spiritist Center, which is today one of the most important spiritist institutions in Uruguay, with a respectable membership and a large headquarters, as shown in a special article published in this issue.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita