Obsession in
100 answers
This is the title of the
book that Rogério Miguez,
one of the writers of this
magazine, recently published
by Casa Editora O Clarim.
And it is also the central
theme of the interview he
gave us. He was born in Rio
de Janeiro, but based in the
city of São José dos Campos,
he participates in the
Divine Master Spiritist
Center in his city, where he
works as leader of fluid
therapy meetings and
studies. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this issue.
Another highlight is the
special Spiritism
and Christianity,
authored by physician and
writer Americo Domingos
Nunes Filho, from AME in Rio
de Janeiro. In the article,
he examines the thesis
defended by dogmatic
religious groups, according
to which the Spiritist
Doctrine has nothing to do
with Christianity. And he
recalls that, unfortunately,
such thinking is also
outlined by people who call
themselves spiritualists.
On Thursday, October 20th,
the e-book Âncoras de Luz was
published, the newest
release by EVOC, the
publisher of O Consolador magazine.
It is a mediumistic work
authored by different
spirits, psychographed by
the medium, writer and
spiritualist scholar
Eurípedes Kühl. The book, as
with all EVOC publications,
can be downloaded free of