
By Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho

Kardec and the moment of the connection of the Spirit to the body Part 2 and final

As for the period of disturbance, this topic is complex. Therefore, we conducted a specific research, the result of which we present in our e-book The Disturbance During Intrauterine Life (1).

353. Since the union of the Spirit to the body is only definitively completed after birth, can the fetus be considered endowed with a soul?

“The Spirit that will animate it exists, in a way, outside of it. Strictly speaking, the fetus does not have a soul, since the incarnation is only in the process of taking place. It is, however, linked to the soul that it will come to possess.” (ii ) (Italics in original, our bold)

If the connection of the Spirit occurred at conception and the body started to be formed under the “command” of the perispirit, s.m.j., we can say that it has a soul, because the spiritual body is an integral part of it.

354. How is intrauterine life explained?

“It is that of the plant that vegetates. The child lives the animal life. Man has in himself animal and plant life, which, by his birth, are completed with spiritual life.” (iii) (Italics in original, our bold)

Before it was said that the child lives like plants, now we have a further development of the explanation. However, to say that life is completed with Spiritual life by its birth is, in our opinion, to maintain the content of the previous idea, against the facts that arise from research with memory regression.

356Will there be stillbirths that have not been destined for the incarnation of Spirits?

“Yes, there are those who never had a Spirit destined for their bodies. Nothing was to be fulfilled in them. It is only because of their parents that these children come into the world.”

356-a. Can a being of this nature reach the end of gestation?

“Yes, sometimes, but it does not live.”

356-b. So, does every child who survives birth necessarily have a Spirit incarnated in him?

“What would the child be without the Spirit? It wouldn't be a human being." (iv ) (Italics in original, our bold)

We always saw the set of these responses as something very strange, especially in relation to the existence of bodies without a Spirit being designated. However, if we take the previous idea, which pointed to the connection at the moment of birth, it is easy to understand what they were implying. However, with the change of thought, it no longer makes sense to maintain the idea that there are bodies without a Spirit that has been assigned to it.

359. In the event that the birth of the child endangers the mother's life, is there a crime in sacrificing the child to save the mother?

“It is better to sacrifice the being that does not yet exist than to sacrifice the one that already exists.”

The answer to question 359 is a return to the previous concept about the moment of connection. Why was it said, "It is better to sacrifice the being that does not yet exist"? Simply, by maintaining the previous understanding, which was in force in 1858, as mentioned in question 28, contained in the Spiritist Magazine 1858, whereby the spirit was linked to the body at birth and not at conception as stated in the 2nd edition.

In the topic “Family conversations from beyond the grave” published in the Spiritist Magazine 1860, month of June, we have the report of the manifestation of Ms. Duret, evoked on the 21st and 25th of May, at Allan Kardec’s. Let us see the question 38 because of Allan Kardec's note:

38. While the phenomenon of death was taking place, were you aware of what was happening in your body? – R. Not at all. God, who is good for all his creatures, wants to spare the Spirit the anguish of that moment; therefore, it takes away all memory and all sensation.

Note. This fact, which has always been confirmed to us, is analogous to what happens when the Spirit enters the corporeal world. It is known that, from the moment of conception, the Spirit designated to inhabit the body that must be born, is taken by a disturbance. This disturbance grows as the fluidic bonds, which unite it to matter, tighten, until the proximities of birth; at this moment it also loses all self-consciousness, and does not begin to recover its ideas until the moment the child breathes; it is only then that the union between the Spirit and the body is complete and definitive. (v) (Emphasis added)

Everything seems “right”. However, when stating “the Spirit designated to inhabit the body that must be born” brings the old point of view, since at the moment of conception when the Spirit is connected, there is still no body, its formation starts from that “magical” moment.

On 15/01/1861, Allan Kardec publishes the first edition of The Book of Mediums, of which we highlight the 2nd part, chapter XXV, of item 283, the following question:

51. Can a Spirit, whose body is still in the mother's womb, be evoked?

"No. You know perfectly well that at that moment it is in a state of complete disturbance.”

NOTE – The incarnation only becomes definitive at the moment the child breathes. However, since the conception of the body, the Spirit assigned to animate it is taken by a kind of disturbance that increases as birth approaches, taking away from it the consciousness of itself and, consequently, the faculty of responding. (See The Book of SpiritsReturn to corporeal life – “Union of the soul to the body”, question 344.) (vi) (Italics in the original, our boldface)

The same applies to our previous comment.

In the Spiritist Magazine 1861, month of June, we have recorded the message entitled “The debauchery”, dictated by the Spirit Felicia, from which we highlight the following excerpt, as it is related to our subject:

[…] If it is possible for you to reproduce the human species, it is because thousands of wandering Spirits wait in space for the formation of the bodies they need to restart their test, and by using your strength in ignoble voluptuousness, you go against the objectives of God, and your punishment will be great. Ban, therefore, those readings, from which you derive no fruit either for your intelligence or for your moral improvement. […].

Here is the following note from the Encoder:

Is there not something profound and sublime in this idea that gives such a high goal to the reproduction of the body? Wandering Spirits wait for these bodies, which they need for their own advancement, and which incarnate Spirits are in charge of reproducing, as man waits for the product of the reproduction of certain animals in order to dress and feed himself.(vii) (emphasis added)

It continues with the idea of ​​the connection with the formed body, a fact that only occurs about 40 weeks after conception.

In the work What Spiritism is only after the 3rd edition, published in September 1862, the new information is recorded:

89. How and at what moment does the union of the soul and the body take place?

Since conception, the Spirit, even if wandering, is, attached to the body with which it must united by a fluidic cord. This bond gets tighter and tighter as the body develops. From that moment, the Spirit feels an ever-growing disturbance; when approaching birth, when it becomes complete, the Spirit loses consciousness of itself and only gradually recovers its ideas, from the moment the child begins to breathe; the union is then complete and final. (viii) (Emphasis added)

Therefore, we have that the connection is made at conception, but the “complete coupling”, if we can put it that way, of the Spirit to its physical body only ends at birth.



KARDEC, A. The Book of Spirits: 1stPrimeira Edition, dated 1857. Sao Paulo: IPECE, 2004.

KARDEC, A. The Book of Spirits. Brasilia: FEB, 2013.

KARDEC, A. The Book of Mediums. Brasilia: FEB, 2013.

KARDEC, A. What Spiritism is. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2001.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1858. Araras (SP): IDE, 2001.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1860. Araras (SP): IDE, 2000.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1861. Sobradinho (DF): Edicel, 2012.

SILVA NETO SOBRINHO, P. The Disruption during intrauterine life, available LINK. Access on: August 17, 2022.


[I]  SILVA NETO SOBRINHO, A Perturbação Durante a Vida Intrauterina, disponível em: LINK. Acesso em: 17 ago. 2022.

[II]  KARDEC, O Livro dos Espíritos, p. 190.

[III] KARDEC, O Livro dos Espíritos, p. 190.

[IV] KARDEC, O Livro dos Espíritos, 190-191.

[V]  KARDEC, Revista Espírita 1860, p. 180.

[VI]  KARDEC, O Livro dos Médiuns, p. 317.

[VII] KARDEC, Revista Espírita 1861, p. 188.

[VIII]KARDEC, O Que é o Espiritismo, p. 197, a 3ª edição que temos é em francês, razão pela qual tomamos a presente edição da FEB para o teor em português.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita