
By Jorge Hessen

Mens sana in corpore
or premature

When someone has a tendency to pessimism, resentment and/or lack of love, toxic energies are immediately activated and substantially interfere with the organic metabolism. Due to this, several evils are caused, even though they are opposed by defense mechanisms, in charge of preserving its somatic organization. Likewise, optimistic and affectionate dispositions produce invigorating energies, which recover the momentary derangements of the organs that constitute the physiological framework.

In fact, our body is a laboratory of gigantic possibilities, always susceptible to self-disarrangement or self-composition, according to the oscillations emitted by our mental state. Strictly speaking, the mind represents the control center, which sends the most diverse messages to all points of the carnal structure.

Any emotion causes adrenaline rushes in the bloodstream, producing sensations equivalent to the type of triggering agent. Thus, encephalins and endorphins are secreted by the brain under its own stimuli, producing immediate effects on the physical apparatus. Positive or negative charges produce different enzymes, according to the mental order, which contribute to the maintenance of health or the worsening of the disease.

In an interview with the magazine "Isto é", in May 2009, Jan Garavaglia, head of the Florida Department of Forensic Medicine, in the USA, states that most deaths can be prevented and that we die from silly causes that can be prevented.

For the coroner, the body tells the story of how someone lived, died and how death could have been avoided. He recalls, "one day a person walked up the steps of his apartment with some groceries in hand, and when he entered, he sat on the couch and died. The autopsy showed long-existing changes in his heart and kidneys and a hemorrhage in the brain. All caused by high blood pressure, an easily treatable disease that the deceased thought he didn't suffer, so it wasn't treated." (1)

Another case mentioned by the doctor was an autopsy on a man who was found dead in his backyard. In this case Garavaglia realized how the Western diet, low in fiber, had devastated the man's colon (2), causing a very serious inflammation that resulted in his death. The difficulty in enriching the diet with fruits and vegetables leads us to situations like this, in which we expose the body to unnecessary dangers, according to Jan.

It is impossible to escape death, explains the researcher, however, we can prevent it from arriving prematurely with simple actions. You can choose to abuse alcohol, use drugs and drive at high speed; however, we need to be aware that these behaviors can kill, just as if we do not take care of our weight, if we do not do physical activity or if we eat poorly.

Life is a series of choices. Added to genetics and "luck", they determine our destiny. The researcher explains, "You can control what you eat, the speed with which you drive, you can choose whether or not to abuse drugs or drink, and so on. Finally, making the right decisions can give you the opportunity to live longer.

No medication is 100% safe for everyone. In the United States, 40% of deaths occur due to premature disease, that is, they are predictable. Another 40% are due to accidents, 10% are due to suicides and another 10% are due to homicides." (3)

It is important to note that not worrying about health is a type of indirect suicide. We explain why: We know that suicides exist classified, in the spiritual world, as indirect (subconscious) suicide: characteristic of those cases of premature death, where the individual is undermining his organic reserves, due to excesses, abuses, addictions or even recklessness.

In physical life, there are many addictions that lead creatures to premature death, which causes degenerative processes and maladjustments in the essential centers of the perispiritual body, especially in those that command the functional structures: the brain cortex, the endocrine glands, the emotional organization and of the hematopoietic system. (4)

With the impact of disincarnating, prematurely provoked, the resources of the psychosomatic complex collapse, under deep trauma, for which there is no related term in the human diagnosis.

The practice of risky behaviors to health and life itself (physical inactivity, smoking, improper diet, abuse of alcoholic beverages and driving motor vehicles recklessly, etc.) is responsible for a significant acceleration of time, anticipating physical death.

They commit what we might call "unintentional suicide", those who indulge in all kinds of vices; gluttons are still involuntary suicidal, causing the accumulation of harmful substances to the body (cholesterol, glucose, lipids, etc.), giving rise to the onset of diseases (arteriosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, etc.), with all its sequelae, which lead to unavoidably to early death.

But, in view of the proposed theme, it is worth bringing to the debate that the average time of life that man will have on Earth is previously determined, but this time (as we have seen) may undergo several changes, for more or less. However, let us listen to Emmanuel: "with the exception of suicide, all cases of disincarnating are determined in advance by the spiritual forces that guide man's activity on Earth."(5)

Emmanuelino thought is in line with the basic ideas presented by Kardec: "fatal - in the true sense of the word - only the moment of death. When that moment arrives, one way or another, you cannot escape it."(6) "It is in death that man is subjected, in an absolute way, to the inexorable law of fatality, because he cannot escape the decree that fixes the term of his existence, nor the kind of death that must interrupt its course." (7)

We observe, from the above, that the moment of death and the way it happens, is predicted by the reincarnating Spirit or by its guarantors from beyond before the immersion in the flesh. The average life span, the diseases that are more likely to lead to death and other conditions related to death, are previously determined.

However, the fact that these conditions are previously programmed does not mean that they cannot be modified, obviously. When Kardec asked the Spirits if man, by his will and by his acts, could avoid an event that should take place, the benefactors said that "yes, provided, of course, that this apparent deviation could fit into the general order of life that he chose." (8)

This means that a person can, by effort of his own will, "delay the moment of death, under given conditions, can prolong bodily existence in order to complete indispensable instructions. It is a concession that can be made to him... as a trial, or in the interest of a mission to complete the depleted organs. They can then receive a supplement of vital fluid that allows them to prolong the material manifestation of thought for a few moments."(9)

In fact, premature death can be linked to a serious error in this existence, or to lack of a past existence. Like the “indebted” souls, who transgressed the general Law that governs the destinies of creatures and returned to the flesh, to recompose their conscience in the face of the moral lapse. In this case there are, irrefutably, the ex-suicides (conscious or unconscious) who need contact with the materialized fluids of the planet, to remake the subtle electromagnetic structure of their spiritual body.

 We emphasize here the following: "he who disincarnates violently, in circumstances beyond his control, registers in his perispirit marks and impressions related to the type of disincarnating he suffered and may remain in a state of disturbance for a long period, depending on his elevation moral intellect." (10) However, there is "the one who is already purified, who recognizes himself almost immediately [after disincarnating], because he detached himself from matter during corporeal life." (11)

We cannot forget that there are cases of early disincarnating that are not part of the process of rescuing the criminal past and configure, rather, meritorious actions of missionary spirits who are reborn to live a few years in contact with the flesh, due to relevant spiritual tasks.

This is what Andre Luiz says: "We know great souls who were reborn on Earth for a very short time, simply with the aim of awakening dear hearts to acquire moral values, recovering, immediately after the service carried out, their customary presentation." (12)

The Spiritist Doctrine brings us the proposal of mental discipline for the fullness of the being. It begins at the moment of the creature's self-encounter, when we identify the conscience and wake up to the spiritual reality that we are, transmitting to those who live with us, learners that we are all, the contribution of our positive message, nourishing hope, enriching values.

In this sense, the Spiritist Doctrine makes a great appeal, when it proposes to educate the mind, direct the instinct, curb abuse, discipline negative tendencies, bad inclinations, and work, concomitantly, for the moral intellect development and, in this way, realize that we are a creature created by God, with a specific purpose, which is total happiness.

When this art of a healthy life is known, carried out and practiced, man will bring about in the world habits of order and foresight for himself and his people, of respect for everything that is respectable, habits that will allow him to cross, less painfully, and the inevitable bad days. This is the starting point, the real element of well-being, the guarantee of everyone's safety.



(1) Available at link-1

(2) Final part of the large intestine

(3) Available at link-2

(4) Formation and development of blood cells

(5) Xavier, Francisco Candido. O Consolador, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: Ed FEB, 2000, issue 146]

(6) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, RJ: Ed FEB, 1999, issue 853

(7) Idem, question 872

(8) Idem, question 860

(9) Kardec, Allan. Heaven and Hell, RJ: Ed FEB, 1999, 2nd part chapter III

(10) Kardec, Allan. The Book of Spirits, RJ: Ed FEB, 1999, issue 163

(11) Idem, question 164

(12) Xavier, Francisco Candido. Between Earth and Heaven, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz, Rio de Janeiro: Ed FEB, 1988. 


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita