
By Orson Peter Carrara

In times of fake news it is essential to filter the content offered on the Web

Marco Antonio Mazzeu (photo) is an active member of the Spiritist Movement in his home city of Araraquara, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He is a volunteer member of O Consolador Kardecian Spiritist Society. He is an engineer and a lawyer and works for the São Paulo state government. In this interview, he shares his views on Spiritism and the impact it has had in his life: 

When and how did you become a Spiritist?

I was born into a Roman Catholic family but I left Catholicism behind after failing to find in its Teachings logical answers for the big questions of life. In August 1981, I was invited for a talk at a Spiritist Centre here in Araraquara. At the time I was using a shoulder immobiliser and was very annoyed by the restrictions that derived from that situation. The leacure was being delivered by Antonio Cassault, who explained the law of action and reaction brilliantly. The most interesting thing, however, is that he was also wearing a shoulder immobiliser. After the lecture, I had a chat with him, who had taken really well his injury and told me: it could be worse! A great friendship was born there and I carried on attending the activities of that Spiritist Centre for many years. 

What strikes you the most in Spiritism?

The clear, straightforward and rational approach adopted by the Spirit of Truth and Allan Kardec. They use clear language and avoid unnecessary diversions or long, tiresome  and complicated explanations or examples. That structural approach was highlighted in the answer to question 627 of The Spirits’ Book. It says that to use language and examples that are simple and easy to understand requires a level of development and skills much beyond those available or even considered on Earth. 

There’s been a true explosion in the number of Spiritist videos, audios and texts available online. What would you like to say about that?

The spread of Spiritist material on the internet, dealing with a number of relevant issues, is certainly positive. New people have come up online to disseminate Spiritist content and discuss a wide range of issues with different degrees of expertise. That has helped many more people understand those issues. To be able to hear and watch Spiritist talks in the comfort of your home, on demand, whenever you wish, is very convenient indeed and it contributes to the propagation of the Teachings. We must, however, watch out for the quality of the material posted online and make sure they don’t clash with the content of the books of Allan Kardec. That could end up damaging Spiritism. In the era of fake news, it’s essential that we monitor and filter the material available online. 

How do you think the availability of new online material has affected the Spiritist Movement where you are?

There’s been, indeed, an exponential growth of the number of live broadcasts available online, as well as courses and seminars. People began sharing them regularly on WhatsApp, email and social media. That allows people to choose the issues that matter the most for them and the Spiritist speakers they prefer. I can give you an example: until last year I was hosting an online course on Google Meet, which was attended by many people from other cities. Some of them were not Spiritists and were “discovering” the Teachings. That wouldn’t have happened if they had to physically attend the course. 

Would you like to share with us a memorable experience you’ve gone through after all these years in Spiritism?

It was when I took part in a mediunimic meeting and received a message from my daughter, who had passed away a few years before. In situations like that we are able to feel how close we are to each other, albeit in different realms of life. Words can rarely reflect the feelings that we experience when we go through such a happy occasion. 

How have you, as an individual, been influenced by the knowledge of the Spiritist Teachings?

To know for sure that life continues after death and that our actions will have an impact on our current and future incarnations certainly changes the way we approach our existence. If you are aware of that, you will act with more restraint aiming to have a better life in the future. The knowledge of Spiritism and the opportunity of putting into practice that wisdom have had a profound impact on my life. Whenever I have an important decision to make, I bear in mind what Paul the Apostle said: “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient.” (1 Corinthians 6:12). I also remind myself of the answers to questions 132 and 932 of The Spirits’ Book, which warn us of the impact that our omissions will have in all life situations. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita