The medium of
the series O Educandário
do Amor (The educational
of love) tells us about the
Maria Ângela Rímoli Costi,
from Mococa (SP), is our
interviewee today. Clinical
psychologist and BA from the
Faculty of Philosophy,
Sciences and Letters, at USP
in Ribeirão Preto-SP, she
participates in Spiritist
Youth of Mococa, where she
works, among other
activities, as a lecturer,
fraternal advisor and
medium. In the interview she
gave us, she tells us about
her spiritist experience and
the books that make up the
series Educational of
Love (O Educandário do
Amor), psychographed by her.
In the special Spiritism
comes at the right time to
fulfill the promise of
Jorge Hessen talks about the
mission of Spiritism in our
world and the role played by
the Spirit of Truth, who
presides over its
establishment and, teaching
things that Jesus did not
could teach, helps us to
understand what the Master
spoke only through parables.
The article is one of the
highlights of this issue.
The day after tomorrow,
April 18th, EVOC – Editora
Virtual O Consolador
completes ten years of
existence. It was founded in
2013, the Publishing House
has so far published 131
books by 43 Spiritist
authors, all in digital
format and available free of
charge to readers who enjoy
Spiritist books. The launch
of EVOC took place on the
date that the magazine O
Consolador – founded in
April 2007 – celebrated its
six years of existence.
From this edition on, our
magazine will count on its
team of columnists with the
help of scholar and
spiritist Jorge Gomes, from
the city of Porto, Portugal.
Author of several spiritist
works, he was vice-president
of the Portuguese Spiritist
Federation and also, among
numerous activities in
spiritist endeavors, editor
for several years of the
Jornal of Spiritism
published by ADEP -
Spiritism Promoters
Association of Portugal (Associação
de Divulgadores de
Espiritismo de Portugal), of
which he is a member.