
By Orson Peter Carrara

The lessons a medical doctor has learned from Spiritism

Antônio Carlos Raxkid Simioni (photo) is a medical doctor in the Brazilian city of Brotas (São Paulo state), where he has lived for almost forty years. He is an active member of the local Spiritist Movement and a volunteer worker at the Chico Xavier Spiritist Centre. In this interview he speaks about his experience as a doctor and a Spiritist:

How did you begin your involvement with Spiritism?

My contact with Spiritism began when I was 15 years old. I was going through some inner struggles and couldn’t find the answers to my questions in the religion my parents followed. I had a friend at school who told me his parents had been attending meetings at a Spiritist Centre. One day he invited me to go for a talk and I felt, somehow, that invitation had a very special meaning. When I went there for the first time I was moved by curiosity, but I must say that I had an overwhelming feeling of peace around me at every meeting or talk I attended. 

What in Spiritism drew your attention in particular?

It was when I found out that there are no simplified answers: “If you are good, you will go to heaven. If not, to hell.” That’s what I had always heard. Spiritism filled a great void, showing me clearly that we are here only temporarily and that our different lives, thanks to reincarnation, are stages towards our spiritual progress. 

Which aspects of Spiritism relate more closely to your current experience as a doctor and a Spiritist?

From my early days in Spiritism, when I was still very young and was already determined to become a doctor, it was clear to me that science and spirituality would move ahead hand in hand, in great harmony. And that became ever more clear as time went by. 

Where did your interest in Medicine come from and what is your specialisation?

From my early school years, I never had any doubts about the profession I was going to follow. I was always sure about it! I’ve been in the medical profession for 39 years, working in gynaecology, obstetrics and as a general practitioner. 

What would you like to highlight from your experience as a doctor in the light of Spiritism?

There is no doubt that science and spirituality go through a permanent and endless process of change and development, in a mutually beneficial and harmonious synergy. 

Based on your experience, how do you think that the knowledge or awareness of Spiritism can benefit patients?

It’s very clear that there’s a geometrical increase in the number of psychological problems, which also have a physical impact. We’ve just got out of a pandemic that has left countless physical and emotional scars in so many people. We have witnessed a surge in the number of people with drugs and alcohol addiction. But medical science has worked hard and tirelessly to deal with that. And the Spiritual Benefactors have brought us precious guidance and advice, through the doctors who share this faith, showing that all things will pass. They have also shown us that true faith will make our journey less painful. 

What have been your main lessons from your long experience in Spiritism?

Since the codification in 1857 by Allan Kardec, Spiritism has been more and more present in my acts and it has allowed me to give much better advice to those I come across in my life. It has taught me ways of being a better person towards my brothers and sisters. 

What are your best memories in Spiritism?

When someone tells me that their pain was eased by some medicine I prescribed, that makes me happy. But when someone says that they were in a desperate situation and recovered thanks to my words, my advice, I must say that makes me immensely happy and gives a real sense of fulfilment. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Being a spiritualist doesn’t mean that you have any privileges. Nor is it a sign that you will go to a better place in the spirit world when you finally leave your physical body. Being a spiritualist is about understanding the importance of practising love and charity in our daily lives. That’s why I’m so happy by witnessing the growth and spread of Spiritism, which can educate and comfort so many people!



Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita