Letter to the reader

Year 17 - 831 - July 9, 2023

Spiritism is like a compass in my life

The above sentence is authored by our interviewee, the clinical psychologist Livia Doro, vice-president of the Spiritist Center Luz Fé e Caridade, the oldest spiritist center in the city of Marília (SP), where she lives. A spiritist from childhood, she tells us in the interview about her spiritist experience and, among other subjects, she says what she thinks about the so-called conflict between generations and how to deal with it within the scope of spiritist institutions.

Leonardo Marmo Moreira presents the second part of the Special entitled “Kardec teaches obsession, disobsession and passes”, in which he reports on the phenomena that occurred in Morzine, to which Allan Kardec dedicated several articles in the Spiritist Magazine of 1862 and 1863. shows us the columnist, contributed to a better understanding of obsession and possession.

Ademir Xavier, PhD in physics, presents us with valuable information about what science has achieved in his researches for the detection of new planetary systems, whose numbers instigate science in the discovery of extraterrestrial life. By March of this year, the Encyclopedia of Extrasolar Planets had already registered the existence of 5,300 exoplanets around 854 known planetary systems.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita