Spiritism For Kids

By Marcela Prada


Theme: Compliment, kindness

The value of a compliment

Maju had two separated front teeth; they looked like two small open windows that opened onto a small cave. She was ashamed of her small teeth windows, that's why she didn't want to smile anymore. Whenever she heard something funny, she would put her hand over her mouth and hide the natural little windows.

– Open your mouth to smile, Maju! – Her mother told her.

But the shame was bigger. As everyone had their teeth together, Maju

thought she was not only different, but ugly as well.

One day, something happened that made Maju completely change her mind and open a big smile. A girl, new to the class, sat down next to her.

She looked at Maju embarrassed, as it was her first day, and opened a shy smile. Maju, wanting to be friendly with her new friend, smiled too, forgetting to hide her little window.

- How beautiful! I love your teeth! - said the girl.

It was then that Maju remembered. But that spontaneous compliment made her feel no shame this time.

After that day, Maju became much more confident and discovered how important it is for us to listen to kind words.

She went on saying compliments everything she found good or beautiful about her friends. Who knows they didn´t know of the special things they had?

And you know what? Her compliments were good for those who received them and for her too. Because Maju began to see more the qualities than the defects of others and realized that each one is different, but everyone always has a very nice side.


(Adaptation of the text A Menina do Dente Separado, by Suelen Maistro, from the Mãe Pop website.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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