Against the
facts, we must necessarily
put our weapons down
The sentence above, written
by Allan Kardec and
published in the The
Spiritist Magazine of
October 1859, is recalled by
Paulo Neto in the final part
of the Special in which he
examines the position of the
codifier of Spiritism
regarding the manifestation
of animals´ spirits. In the
article, he refers to
comments made by Kardec
regarding the manifestation
of the little dog Mika, the
subject of an article
published in May 1865 in The
Spiritist Magazine. The
Special is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
interview given to us by
professor Paulo Artur
Nogueira de Vilhena, who is
part of the team of workers
at the Spiritist Center A
Voz de João Batista, in
Belém (Pará), the city where
he was born and also lives
in. In the interview,
organized and edited by our
colleague Orson Peter
Carrara, he tells us about
his experience in spiritist
The e-book Introduction
to the Mosaic Pentateuch: 2
- Exodus, authored by
Astolfo Olegário de Oliveira
Filho, was published on
September 28th by EVOC –
Editora Virtual O Consolador.
The work focuses on the
second book of the Old
Testament, continuing the
series entitled Introduction
to the Mosaic Pentateuch.
The e-book can be read or
downloaded for free.