The author
of Kardec: a gift from
God to Humanity speaks
to the magazine
He was born in Nuporanga
(SP), but based in Campinas,
a city located in the state
of São Paulo, Mário Ribeiro
Frigéri is our interviewee.
Author of several works
published by different
publishers, he speaks to us
on this opportunity about
his most recent book, Kardec:
a gift from God to Humanity,
published by the publisher
of the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
special entitled Pernicious
Enchantment, written by
our collaborator and
spiritist scholar Rogério
Coelho, which makes timely
considerations about the
care that mediums must take
in the face of attacks from
agents of the shadows,
capable of deceiving even
the most sagacious mediums,
with a view to dismantling
the mediumistic meetings
held by spiritist groups.
The e-book Introduction to
the Mosaic Pentateuch: 3
- Leviticus, written by
Astolfo Olegário de Oliveira
Filho, was published on
November 30th by EVOC –
Editora Virtual O Consolador.
The work focuses on the
third book of the Old
Testament, continuing the
Introduction to the Mosaic
Pentateuch series. The
e-book, as is customary with
EVOC releases, can be read
or downloaded for free.