Don't leave for tomorrow the
spiritual dissemination that
can be done today
The proposal contained in
the sentence above is from
our interviewee, Saulo de
Tarso Ferreira Netto,
president of the Centro
Cultural Correio Espírita
and editor-in-chief of the
newspaper Correio Espírita.
A native of Minas Gerais,
born in Recreio, he lives in
Niterói-RJ, where he became
a spiritist in 1989. In the
interview, Saulo tells us
how Correio Espírita came
about, whose first edition
was circulated on December
3, 2004 and two years ago
stopped the printed format,
is published in digital
format only. The article is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
final part of the special Five
problems of the concept of
merit, written by
Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira,
from Juiz de Fora-MG. In
addition to the article
published in the last
edition, he recalls, among
other important
considerations, that studies
show that school performance
levels are significantly
influenced by the type of
home people come from, a
fact that has an important
bearing on their future
success or failure.
In December 1858, “The
Beautiful Cordoeira” was one
of the countless and
interesting stories
published by Allan Kardec in
the 12-volume collection of
The Spiritist Magazine, a
periodical that he founded
and directed from 1858 to
1869, while he was
incarnate. It is the story
of Louise Charly, the
renowned Louise Labé or
simply The Beautiful
Cordoeira, as remembered by
Eliana Haddad in a special
article that we published in
this edition.