Nothing that
happens in human history is
the result of chance
Not only or only the use of
free will on the part of
men, as Divine Law governs
everything and places limits
on our action. These words
are part of the special Spiritual
Ascendence in the Historical
Facts of Humanity,
authored by the educator and
spiritist writer Marcus De
Mario, from Rio de
Janeiro-RJ. The article,
which discusses the book A
Caminho da Luz, by
Emmanuel, psychographed by
Chico Xavier, is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
interview given to us by
Evelyn Freire de Carvalho,
from Manaus-AM, the city
where she participates in
the activities of the Centro
Espírita Online Casa de
Jesus, in which she is
responsible for the
Departments of Doctrine and
Mediumship. In the
interview, our interviewee
tells us, among other
topics, about the spiritist
dissemination work carried
out by the portal Knowing
Spiritism, of which she
is the coordinator.
Last month, the newspaper O
Imortal completed 70
years of existence. Founded
by spiritist pioneers Luiz
Picinin and Hugo Gonçalves,
the newspaper first
circulated at Christmas 1953
and continued in printed
format until issue 776,
published in October 2018,
when it then opted for
digital format, a phase that
began in November 2018.
Thiago Bernardes recalls
this trajectory in a special
article that we published in
this edition.