
By Orson Peter Carrara

A chat about a Spiritist web portal developed in the city of Manaus, Brazil

Evelyn Freire de Carvalho (photo) is a public prosecutor in the Brazilian city of Manaus. With degrees in Law and Accountancy, she works for the State of Amazonas Audit Office. She is also an active member of the local Spiritist Movement, volunteering at the Casa de Jesus (House of Jesus) Online Spiritist Centre. We spoke to her about her involvement with the web portal Conhecendo o Espiritismo (Getting to Know Spiritism), which provides access to an important collection of publications and courses: 

How did you become a Spiritist?

It was at the age of 14, when my mother took me to the Thomas Aquinas Spiritist Centre. We were a Catholic family. A friend of hers had mentioned that death didn’t exist and that we were all immortal. That got my mother’s attention and she asked her to take us to a Spiritist Centre, to find out more about it. From the first time we arrived there, we felt at home. We felt a connection with the Teachings and became Spiritists straight away. And I, in particular, was always interested in reading and learning, which helped me later in life when I embraced other challenges.  

What strikes you the most in Spiritism? 

It’s, undoubtedly, its consoling, educational and rational nature. Spiritism clarifies and lifts vails. But, essentially, it consoles, supports and helps us put into practice the vast love exemplified by Jesus. It offers all we need to progress as immortal Spirits. The wisdom we get about reincarnation is simply amazing. Is there any better way of finding consolation than by discovering that we will be able to develop spiritually through successive incarnations and will reach perfection one day, knowing that we won’t be subjected to eternal punishment? It’s impossible not to love Spiritism when we study its lessons in depth. It prompts us to kick off our process of inner reform sooner rather than later. 

And how did you come up with the idea of providing Spiritist content online? 

I was already involved in giving talks and courses, both in my professional area and in Spiritism. In 2017, a dear friend, Professor Marcus Bittencourt, suggested that I create a YouTube channel about Spiritism, based on the success of his own channel, which focused on Law. I loved the idea and began producing material a week later. I started with short videos with questions and answers. Then I began with the online study groups, producing courses on the principles of Spiritism and focusing on the main books. In 2021, we became the Casa de Jesus Online Spiritist Centre. You can find us in the Portal Conhecendo o Espiritismo and other social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and WhatsApp:  

Instagram - @conhecendooespiritismo e @evelynfreiredecarvalho 

YouTube – conhecendooespiritismo 

Facebook- portalconhecendooespiritismo 

Website – LINK-1 

Telegram – LINK-2 

Whatsapp group - LINK-3 

What has been the feedback from the public? 

Very positive. The rigour of our courses and studies helps people establish a solid base of spiritual knowledge. Those who take the courses become able to understand the core principles of Spiritism and put them into practice in their lives. We also provide spiritual guidance, with compassion and care. The empathy of our team and their availability to provide assistance to those who come to us create strong links between them and the institution. Love, which is at the centre of our activities, is a powerful catalyst to help develop a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere.  

Which of the courses and books available are more requested by the public? 

The official course on Spiritism produced by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), known as ESDE, which has three parts, is among the most requested items. And the Mediumship course, with study and practice, which is also published by FEB. The ESDE textbooks introduce the basic principles of Spiritist Teachings in a simple, well-structured and easy-to-understand manner. The Mediumship course, on the other hand, combines theoretical knowledge with practical guidance. It enables people to safely develop their mediunimic capabilities, which is so important. 

In the website you have access to all your archives. But you are also broadcasting live courses during the week, aren’t you?

Yes. We have 11 courses being broadcast daily on the channel, focusing on some of the most relevant books in Spiritism, including the following:  

· Há dois mil anos (Two Thousands Years Ago), by Francisco Cândido Xavier, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel. 

· Os Exilados da Capela (Exiles from Capela), by Edgard Armond. 

· O que é o Espiritismo (What Is Spiritism), by Allan Kardec.  

· Memórias de um Suicida (Memoirs of a Suicide), by Yvonne do Amaral Pereira, dictated by the Spirit Camilo Castelo Branco. 

· Curso de formação de Dialogador (Formation Course to Dialogue with Spirits) in Mediunimic Meeting.

The Conhecendo o Espiritismo (Getting to Know Spiritism) Portal offers a wide range of material. Those who access the web portal will be able to join spiritual guidance activities, including fraternal assistance (counselling) and help to deal with bereavement. The portal gives access to a vast number of comforting messages, to our online magazine – which is published every two months – and also our virtual bookshop



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita