Considering the still
immense and unequivocal
demonstrations of moral
deviations of human
beings in all quarters
of the planet today,
which, in fact, cause
many misfortunes and
scourges, it becomes
necessary, in order not
to succumb, to cling to
something superior that
fills our hearts and
minds with positive and
nurturing sensations.
Although the daily news
is invariably full of
sinister episodes and
countless tragedies, a
clear sign that the
“times have come”, we
must move forward. In
fact, we cannot stop in
the middle of the
redemptive road.
The time has come for us
to show our real value
before God, in order to
remain connected to this
orb. And supporting us
in this difficult
struggle we have, in
addition to our
particular faith and
hopes, the greatness and
depth of the spiritual
message personally
transmitted by Jesus. In
this whirlwind of dark
events, let us be sure
that the supposed
winners of today, who
deliberately make our
crosses even heavier,
will be the great losers
of tomorrow.
As creatures deviated
from the light, they sow
unspeakable suffering
for themselves. The
disasters they caused
are duly recorded in the
annals of spirituality,
and, therefore, a future
full of “weeping and
gnashing of teeth”
awaits them, as the
Gospel points out. In
other words, a natural
and deserved reward for
those who revel in the
practice of evil and
unbalanced attitudes. On
the other hand, for us
who have already made a
lot of mistakes, and now
we have finally woken
up, the challenge posed
is to be better. This
is, without a doubt, the
divine proposal for all
who yearn to have a
pacified conscience, and
free from blemishes.
Thus, seeking to answer
the question above that
gives the text its
title, we suggest, first
of all, inserting God
into our lives. In fact,
it is often said that we
humans have “lost our
soul”, that is, our good
feelings, sensitivity,
sense of respect, etc.
Having said that, we
must then rescue the
presence of the Lord on
our path. Connecting to
the Creator frequently
through prayer and
meditation brings us
relief and inner peace.
Appealing to his wisdom
in the most critical
moments, asking him for
strength and
inspiration, is always a
wise procedure.
As paradoxical as it may
be, it must also be
considered that many
humans do not truly know
themselves. In other
words, they didn't
discover themselves.
They do not delve deeper
into the search for
self-knowledge, they do
not search the core of
their being to find
certain explanations
regarding their own
conduct. In this way,
discovering ourselves is
understanding who we are
and what motivates us.
It is a cathartic
process that demands a
lot of courage, as
through it we can
eventually discover
disturbing aspects that
still dominate us. It
also implies accepting
that we need to be
strict with ourselves,
admitting, on many
occasions, that we need
to improve our inner
home, reforming it so
that new values and
aspirations can beautify
it. It should no longer
be news to know that we
carry many character and
behavioral deficiencies
that require repairs and
overcoming that only
self-discovery can
provide us. A good
measure in this regard
is to pay attention to
what we think.
It is an undeniable fact
that we pay little
attention to things of a
spiritual nature. In
general, we do not seek
to discover our origin,
as well as the reasons
why we are living here
in such a troubled and
chaotic dimension.
Furthermore, researching
and meditating on
transcendental subjects
are not part of most
people's routine.
However, the point is
that we are Spirits
momentarily incarnated
in a world of trials and
expiations. Life,
therefore, functions as
an extraordinary school
providing exceptional
opportunities for
learning and
improvement. We have the
ability to put our best
into practice (talent,
abilities, virtues, and
feelings) in favor of
the world that welcomes
us and to collaborate,
at the same time, with
the Creator. Therefore,
studying our own
(spiritual) essence is
an essential step
towards our evolution.
It is worth remembering
that in The Gospel
According to Spiritism there
is a vehement
recommendation from the Spirit
of Truth regarding
the need for us to
study. In other words,
“[...] Instruct
yourselves in the
precious doctrine that
dispels the error of
revolts and shows you
the sublime objective of
human trials. Just as
the wind sweeps away the
dust, may the breath of
the Spirits also
dissipate your anger
against the rich of the
world, who are, often,
very miserable, because
they find themselves
subject to more
dangerous trials than
yours. I am with you and
my apostle instructs
you. Drink from the
living fountain of love
and prepare yourselves,
captives of life, to
throw yourselves one
day, free and joyful,
into the bosom of Him
who created you weak to
make you perfectible and
who wants you to shape
your malleable clay
yourselves, in order to
be the artisans of your
There is, therefore, no
other better way to
glimpse divine wisdom,
as well as the
possibilities of
spiritual growth
outlined for us. Let us
keep in mind that
studying is the most
appropriate way to get
to know the Creator and
His infinite love.
Studying is the
instrument for
dispelling the evil that
still exists within us,
as it provides us with
the essential elements
for elevating our
reasoning. However, we
continue moving in the
world as if there was no
tomorrow, “absolutely
distracted from eternal
truths”, according to
Telésforo, a wise
spiritual mentor
mentioned in the work The
Messengers (dictated
by the Spirit André Luiz
and psychographed by the
medium Francisco Cândido
Many others are victims
of their own ignorance,
that is, the so-called
“mother of misery,
weaknesses, crimes”, as
he also very well
considers. In short, the
lack of knowledge of the
scope and immeasurable
wisdom of divine
statutes prevents us
from seeing the
prerequisites for
achieving real
happiness. That said,
studying is an essential
step towards knowing the
eternal truths echoed by
Master Jesus, and a
guarantee of victory, if
well assimilated, over
our imperfections. It is
curious to note that
certain people declare
that they have
difficulty in making
even a minimum effort in
edifying reading, which
could satisfy their soul
with other acquisitions
of knowledge.
Unfortunately, I have
met many individuals in
this self-limiting
situation throughout my
life. Some of them, to
my surprise, admitted to
getting information
exclusively through
television, while others
suggested a preference
for audio books. Of
course, these are valid
alternatives for
learning and
information; however,
they never replace the
depth of a good book.
Even the phenomenal
resource of cinema,
despite my sincere
admiration and
enchantment for this
form of art, cannot
reproduce with due
richness the volume of
dialogues and
clarifications that only
good books can provide.
Therefore, studying our
personality and
tendencies requires
intense reflection,
comparisons, and
counterpoints. In my
modest view, only a good
book can offer us such
elements. Spiritism is
extremely helpful in
providing such
possibilities that, when
well used, allow us to
advance through the
precise identification
of points, in our way of
being, acting and
thinking, that require
The way we relate to
others is also a
critical point to
examine. By the way, let
us always remember we
are not alone in the
world. In this sense, we
need our fellow humans,
perhaps even more than
they need us. We are a
gregarious race that
works for its own
preservation. Our
ancestry clearly
highlights the salience
of this characteristic.
In spiritual terms, it
is imperative that we
know how to cultivate
peace and benevolence
with our brothers on the
journey, if we truly
desire our ascension. In
the family, we almost
always face enormous
challenges in this
regard, as they are
sheltered by disaffected
blood ties or enemies
from the past.
Fortunately, God grants
us brief oblivion, but
brings us together again
so that our antagonisms
are transformed by
reciprocal feelings of
love and tolerance.
Therefore, being better
in this dimension means
working daily so that
our relationships are
blessed by understanding
and goodwill. It is
evident that we do not
always find individuals
in life willing to
demonstrate the same
inclinations towards us.
However, let us do our
part by treating
everyone with great
respect and
consideration, and if
something unsatisfactory
occurs, let it not be
caused by us.
Finally, the strength of
charity must serve as a
stimulus to concrete
action. The spiritist
vision goes far beyond
distributing alms, as
this is often mechanical
and devoid of more
refined feelings. As
Allan Kardec observes,
also in The Gospel
According to Spiritism,
“true charity is modest,
simple and indulgent”.
Perhaps the most
important aspect of this
virtue is that of
looking at others with
understanding. In fact,
many are wasting their
present incarnation in a
regrettable way, further
increasing their
liabilities towards
spirituality. As beings
aligned with evil, they
will certainly have a
very long way to go
before their consciences
awaken. Seeing them as
sick souls is a genuine
act of charity. Let us
remember that the
evildoer, the criminal,
the villain, in short,
also have divine DNA
waiting for the right
moment to blossom.
Jesus always had a
charitable look at those
who sought him, and thus
gave them his love
fully. In the most
dramatic moments of his
crucifixion, he still
had the charity to
forgive those who
inflicted unjust
suffering on him. For
our part, we can and
must be charitable,
avoiding the acid of
merciless criticism or
an unforgiving and
radical attitude. We
also make a lot of
mistakes. Our past is
generally compromising,
and if today we acquire
something in the field
of self-knowledge, it is
because the leaders of
spirituality welcomed us
through fraternal
assistance at some
point. Partially
recovered from our
blindness, we are now
working to improve
ourselves before the
cosmic laws that govern
life. In conclusion, we
all can and should be
better. Every day we
have this opportunity,
so get to work.