The big challenge of reincarnation
Reincarnation, i.e., the passage of the Spirit for a new experience in terms Earthman we met, presents a definite goal to which we have already reported at this same space: achieving perfection. Perfection in regard to moral values, perfection in regard to intellectual values.
In answer to question 204 of his book "The Comforter", Emmanuel wrote: "The feeling and wisdom are the two wings with which the soul will rise to infinite perfection."
It happens that this journey presents some challenges, in which Manoel Philomeno Miranda refers in chap. 21 of the book "Panels of Obsession", psychographic by medium Divaldo Franco.
He reminds us that no physical existence is handed to misfortune, devoid of loving help and providential aid that we are lavished by spiritual benefactors.
Although a wide range of reincarnation takes place through automatist’s phenomena, obeying a collective schedule, it is not without the spirits in charge of rebirth on the planet a careful aware and providing to the reincarnating the necessary means to do so.
Such people believe that living in apparent helplessness and without the protection of Providence, synchronize with the mechanisms of automatic action in charge of spiritual mentors specialized in this task, which separate them by the acquired values for better care service as each achievements.
In addition to these cases, when there are objectified special achievements, benefactors serve candidates directly who offer themselves for applying their ethical and moral values, which, recovering from the painful past commitments, accept severe impositions that become necessary to their construction.
Organize plans to be submitted to the interested parties, which receive, immediately, convenient service, so as to exclude the possibility of another failure, which can, however, occur, since the free will, the prerogative of immortal spirit, allows you to do or not what needs to elect good or evil, opting for the pleasure of now or the future happiness ...
This failure will obviously cost stormy tribute and heavy burden on how to return to the spiritual home beaten and losers, due to lack of surveillance, lure or presumption.
Fight for inner growth, applying all forces to overcome the evil inclinations and hone higher trends, making them more sensitive to spiritual relevant conquests, it is the great challenge of reincarnation, which will only be overcome through daily effort, constant and special with us which we apply to the task, along the journey.