We hereby continue the methodical study of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" by Allan Kardec, the third of the works of the Kardecian Pentateuch. The first edition was published in April, 1864. The answers to the questions suggested for discussion are at the end of the text below.
Questions for discussion
A. Can we believe in all the Spirits that communicate with us?
B. What are the characteristics of a true prophet?
C. What is one of the biggest obstacles of psychic practice?
D. Is it true that Jesus also accepted divorce?
Reading text
282. The withered fig tree symbolizes the trees covered with leaves, however with no fruits. That is why Jesus condemns them to infertility, because the day will come when they will be dry to the roots. This means that all systems, all doctrines that produce nothing of good to humankind, shall fall reduced to nothing. All men deliberately useless, for not having put into action the resources that they brought with them, will be treated as the dry fig tree. (Chapter XIX, section 9.)
283. For faith to be useful, it must be active and not idle. Mother of all virtues that lead to God, faith carefully cares for the development of the children it originated. Hope and charity are a corollary of faith and they form an inseparable trinity. Is it not faith that gives us hope when we fulfill the Lord's promises? If you have no faith, what can you expect? Is it not faith that gives you love? If there is no faith in you, how can you feel acceptance and love? (Chapter XIX, section 11, Joseph)
284. Magnetism is one of the greatest proofs of the power of faith put into action. It is by means of faith that it heals and produces such singular phenomena, once qualified as miracles. (Chapter XIX, section 12, a Protecting Spirit.)
285. "Those, who were firstly found, thought they would receive more. However, each man was paid only a penny. When receiving it, they complained to the father, saying, "These last men worked only one hour, and you give them the same as you gave us, who have borne the burden and heat of the whole working day." The owner of the vineyard answered to one of them "My friend, I caused you no loss, because did you not agree with me to receive a penny for your day? Take what pertains to you and leave. I am pleased to give the latter as much as you received. Am I not allowed to do what I want? Are you heart burned because I am good? Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called but few are chosen. "(Matthew, Chapter XX, vv. 1 to 16.) (Chapter XX, section 1.)
286. The last hour worker is entitled to a day's pay, but it is necessary that his willingness be at the disposal of the one, who employs him, and that his delay is not the result of laziness or poor will. He is entitled to a salary, because since dawn he waited impatiently for the one that would finally call him to work. Laborious he only lacked work. (Chapter XX, section 2, Constantine.)
287. If, however, he declined to work at any time of the day, if he had said, "Let us be patient, resting pleases me. When the last hour arrives, that will be time to think about the day's wages. What need have I to bother about a boss, who I do not know and do not like! The later the better". This man, my friends, would not have received a worker's pay, but yes a salary for his laziness. (Chapter XX, section 2, Constantine.)
288. Good Spirits, beloved, all of you are last hour workers. When you were called, some a little earlier, others a little later, you all reached your current incarnation, the burden of which you carry. For how many centuries has the Lord called you to his vineyard, but you did not want to enter it! Now is the time to receive your salary. Use this remaining hour properly and never forget that your life, as long as it may seem, is nothing more than a fleeting moment in the vastness of time that represents eternity. (Chapter XX, section 2, Constantine.)
289. In the language of Jesus, the workers, who arrived in the first hour are the prophets, Moses and all the beginners that have marked the stages of progress, which continued to be accomplished through the centuries by the apostles, the martyrs, the Church Fathers, the wise, the philosophers, and finally by the Spiritists. (Chapter XX, section 3, Henri Heine.)
290. The last to arrive, the Spiritists, have the advantage of the intellectual works of their predecessors, because man inherits from man, and because human work is collective. God blesses solidarity. Indeed, many of those reincarnated now, or who will reincarnate tomorrow, have come to finish the work they have started once. Among them is more than a patriarch, more than a prophet, more than a disciple of Christ, more than a spreader of the Christian faith. However, they are more enlightened and advanced, not working any longer at the base, but yes at the top of the building. Therefore, they will receive the salary proportional to the value of the work. (Chapter XX, section 3, Henri Heine.)
291. Oh, true believers of Spiritism! ... You are God's chosen! Go and preach the divine word. Now is the time when you must sacrifice your habits, your work, and your futile occupations to spread the word of God. Go and preach. (Chapter XX, section four, Erastus.)
Answers to the proposed questions
A. Can we believe in all the Spirits that communicate with us?
No. John the Evangelist, in Chapter IV of his 1st Epistle, already warned us about this: "My beloved, ones, do not believe in any Spirit; test if the Spirits are from God, because many false prophets have appeared in the world". Spiritism provide us with the means to try them, pointing out the characters by which we can recognize the good Spirits, always moral character, not material. Spirits are judged for the quality of their works, like a tree is by the quality of its fruit. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter XXI, sections 6 and 7.)
B. What are the characteristics of a true prophet?
The true missionaries of God disregard themselves, mostly; they accomplish the mission to which they were called due to the strength of their genius, followed by the hidden power that inspires and guides them unwillingly, but without a premeditated purpose. In a word, the true prophets are revealed by their actions, they are divine, while the false prophets consider themselves as envoys of God. The first are humble and modest, the second proud and full of themselves, they speak with arrogance and, like all fakes, are always afraid that you will not give them any credit. (Ibid, Chapter XXI, section 9.)
C. What is one of the biggest obstacles of psychic practice?
The mystification, the deception, the error in which many psychics incur, when they are not sufficiently cautions. This is one of the biggest obstacles, which many psychics have to face, especially if they are beginners in Spiritism. This is a proof that only with great prudence can they triumph. Therefore, one of the first things we must learn is to distinguish between the good and bad spirits, so that we also do not become victims of false prophets. (Ibid, Chapter XXI, sections 11 and 12.)
D. Is it true that Jesus also accepted divorce?
Yes. Jesus was clearly against divorce and only accepted it in case of adultery. His words, according to the Gospel of Matthew (19:3-9), leave no doubt about that: "Therefore, I tell you that he who dismisses his wife, except in the case of adultery, and marries another woman, commits adultery; and he who marries a woman who another man dismissed, commits adultery too. "(Ibid, Chapter XXII, sections 1 and 5.)