Fortunate or inglorious, our future only depends on us
Focus of the article written by colleague Felinto Elízio Duarte Campelo, one of the highlights of this edition, our past, our present and our future are intimately correlated, as links that comprise a single stream - the current of life that never stops.
One of the facts is difficult to explain in the lives of many families, if it is excluded from the analysis the spirit teachings, it is the revulsion instinctive and even hatred noticed in some children, either with respect to the father, either with regard to mother. After all, if the child's soul is new and coming for the first time to corporeal life, why presenting preferences? Would not it be logical it be accessible and fondly to everybody of its home?
Same questions can also be asked when the opposite occurs, i.e., the repulsion does not come from the child, but from his father or his mother, a fact that on many occasions extends throughout life, revealing one or another clear preference for a particular child.
The design spirit of life which teaches us that the physical existences are nothing more than links that form a single stream, allows us to understand why such things happen.
The spirit concept of life which teaches us that the physical existences are nothing more than links that form a single stream, it allows us to understand why such things happen.
In constant message of Chapter XIV, Section 9, of The Gospel According to Spiritism, St. Augustine (Spirit) examined this question.
According to him, when a Spirit returns to the spiritual plane, carries the passions and virtues inherent in its nature. Many depart from this world full of hatred and desirous of revenge. However, it is given to a few of them to see a particle of truth, when they realize the terrible consequences of their passions and are encouraged to make good resolutions. Understand, then, to reach God exists a single password: charity, and there is no charity without forgiveness, without forgetting the insults and injuries. On the face of it, through unprecedented effort, such spirits can watch people who hated on earth, although to see them, the animosity to them awake again and they rebel to the idea of forgiving and relinquish themselves, especially the idea of loving people who destroyed their possessions, honor, family.
Time passes, your heart is undeterred, they hesitate and falter, agitated by contrary feelings, until, remembering the good resolution they had taken, pray to God and implore to spiritual benefactors that give them strength at the most decisive moment of proof. So, after years of meditation and prayer, they reincarnated in the family of those who detested.
What is its procedure in the family which is reborn? It will depend on its degree of persistence in taking good resolutions, because the incessant contact with beings who it hated it will constitute a terrible ordeal under which it frequently succumbs, if it does not have a very strong will. Thus, as it prevails or not the good resolution taken on the spiritual plane, may be friends or enemies among those who have been called to live.
It is like that - says St. Augustine - it explains these hatreds, these instinctive repulsion that notice on the part of certain children and also the adults with whom they live, a fact that only love can reverse, as we realize many cases reported in the spirit literature.
Given the above, it is not difficult, therefore, conclude that our future will be fortunate or inglorious, according to what we do in our lives, here and now, and it will solely depend on ourselves.