Considered a sortilege, spiritist pass is in fact a Christian practice
It is known in spiritist midst the following statement made by José Herculano Pires about magnetic pass, a resource which is used in all spiritual centers, we know: "The spiritist pass is the imposition of hands simply, used and taught by Jesus, as seen in the Gospels." (1)
Considered by opponents of Spiritism as being just a sortilege, the pass adopted in spiritist institutions since its beginning is, in fact, a therapeutic resource that resembles at all to what Jesus and his apostles practiced.
In chapter 59 of his book Religion of Spirits, referring to the subject, Emmanuel says in Egypt of Ramses an old papyrus already ruling, regarding to curative magnetism: "Put down your hand on the patient and soothes pain, stating that the pain disappears".
But it was precisely with Jesus - Emmanuel says - that the healing magnetism reached its culmination in humanity. The Master reached his hand out and blind people passed to see, paralyzed stood up, lepers had got clean, obsessed recovered. And the Master besides practicing it, also suggested that the apostles should also proceed as we see in the Gospel of Mark (16:15 to 18), in which Jesus advised them explicitly: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (...) and these signs shall follow them that believe: they will cast out demons in my name, speak new languages, they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly pottage, not hurt them: you shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
When he wrote the text we know as the Acts of the Apostles, Luke showed us that the apostles understood well the message of the Master.
Let's see what Luke said:
1) After having healed at the temple gate, a lame from birth, who had more than 40 years and to which said simply: "I have no silver nor gold, but what I have I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ, Nazareth rise up and walk", the apostle Peter was taken, along with John to prison. The next day, questioned in the Sanhedrin, before Annas, Caiaphas, John and Alexander, he told them about the gospel and said the healing of the lame was made in the name of Jesus. Then all together the companions, he prayed to God asking for his servants to have the power to put forth their hands on the sick, healing sicknesses. (Acts 4:30)
2) The request of Peter was obviously served as evidence in this passage: "And by the hands of the apostles were happened many miracles and wonders among the common people" (Acts 5:12); or this other: "To those presented before the apostles, and praying they laid their hands on them." (Acts 6:6)
3) This is how Saul of Tarsus regained his vision: "And it was Ananias, and entered the house, and putting his hands on him, said: Saul, Brother, Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me to get back your vision, and be filled with the Holy Spirit." (Acts 9:17)
4) Later, Paul repeated the gesture in Ephesus: "And to them Paul had laid his hands upon them came the Holy Spirit, and they spoke in different languages and prophesied" (Acts 19:6), repeating many times as necessary, as it occurred on the Malta Island, while healing the father of Prince Publius: "It came to pass then find him sick of fever and dysentery, Publius' father. It was Paul to see him, and as he prayed and laid his hands, healed him." (Acts 28:8)
When either through ignorance or by prejudice, someone says that the spiritist pass is simply a sortilege, ask them if they've already read the Acts of the Apostles, and if the answer is yes, ask them if Paul of Tarsus and Jesus were also overseers of sorcery.
(1) About the imposition of hands or spiritist pass it has already been published in this journal the editorials below, whose reading we suggest to our readers:
The laying on of hands and its effectiveness:
In the treatment of obsession, passes are not enough: