The attachment to material goods is a misconception
The spiritual doctrine, by the voice of its numerous authors embodied and disembodied, is very clear when dealing with the theme property. Are we really the owners in the world we live in?
Pascal (Spirit) refers to this in a message published by Allan Kardec in chapter XVI, section 9 of his book The Gospel According to Spiritism.
Pascal says:
"The man only has full ownership in what is given to him to take from this world. What than he meets when arriving and leaving from the remains while he enjoys here. However, it is forced to abandon everything; he does not have real possession of his wealth, but simply the enjoyment. What then is what he has? Nothing that is of use of the body; all that is use of the soul: intelligence, knowledge, moral qualities. That's what he brings and takes with him, which no one can snatch, which it will be much more use in the other world than this. Depends upon him being the richest from when arriving, as seen, what it has purchased into good result its future position." Pascal. (Geneva, 1860.) (We put the words in bold)
The understanding of the teaching would have great influence over interpersonal relationships and individual and collective progress, if this idea was accepted and assimilated by human creatures.
The relentless pursuit of wealth and the use of illegal means to obtain it, it would no longer exist because everyone would understand that, in fact, it is the purpose of our journey through reincarnation experience.
Intelligence, knowledge, moral qualities - this is what, according to the Spiritist view, constitutes our real property, luggage that therefore we can take along with the spiritual homeland call and the future bodily existence that await us.
Zacchaeus’ experience is narrated by the evangelist Luke, accordingly, expressive.
Let’s recall the case:
"Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through town.There was a very rich man named Zacchaeus, the chief tax recipients. He sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, because he was of short stature. He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, as he passed by.
When Jesus came to the place and looked up, and saw him, and said unto him: Zacchaeus, come down quickly, because it is necessary that I must abide at thy house.
He went with haste and received him joyfully. Seeing it, they all murmured and said: He will stay in the house of a sinner...
Zacchaeus, however, stood before the Lord said unto him: Lord, I will give half of my possessions to the poor, and if you have defrauded anyone, I restore fourfold.
Jesus told him: Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." (Luke, 19:1-10.)
Why, according to the decision of Zacchaeus, Jesus declared: "Today salvation has come to this house"?
It is not difficult to understand the phrase spoken by Jesus. Zacchaeus, a wealthy man, gave at that moment, a very clear sign of detachment, finally understanding that the goods that God grants us the title of usufruct cannot serve as only us and our offspring, but must serve all.
If it came to our hands, it is our duty to use them well, knowing that the job that we give them, it will be accountable and at the return to spiritual home, we will take only the goods that really belong to us - intelligence, knowledge, moral qualities - a fact that alone demonstrates that attachment to material goods is a mistake and a real obstacle to our progress.