por Orson Peter Carrara

Year 11 - N° 521 - June 18, 2017

Action and Reaction

The Criminal Code of Future Life, presented by Allan Kardec in Heaven and Hell (chapter VII of the first part), is the source of interesting reflections on the law of action and reaction that governs human paths. (*)

As the Encoder himself puts it, in the same chapter and with the subheading Principles of the Spiritist Doctrine on future punishment, "(...) with regard to future punishment, it is not based on a preconceived theory; it is not one system replacing another system: in everything it relies on observations, and these are the ones that give it full authority. No one ever imagined that souls, after death, would meet in such and such conditions; they are the same souls that departed from Earth, who come to us today to initiate us in the mysteries of the future life, to tells about their blissful or miserable situation, describing their happy or miserable situation, the impressions, the changes that occur due to the death of the body, thus completing in a word the teachings of Christ on this point. It is necessary to state that in this case it is not the revelations of one and only Spirit, who could see things from his point of view, in a single aspect, still influenced by earthly losses. Nor is it a revelation made exclusively to only one person, who could be carried away by appearances, or an ecstatic vision sensitive to illusions, and often only reflecting an exalted imagination. There are, however, a number of examples provided by Spirits of all categories, from the highest to the lowest of the scale, through so many other assistants (psychics) spread throughout the world, so that the revelation is not any longer the privilege of someone, because everyone can prove it, by experiencing it, without being forced to believe in someone else’s belief".

What causes happy or misguided actions - This initial transcript is important for us to place ourselves in the same universe of observation in which the Encoder placed himself to elaborate the Spiritist theory, which was all brought to him through the Spirits’ revelations.

The Book of Spirits itself - which was launched on April 18, 1857 with the doctrinal foundations of Spiritism and organized in the form of questions and answers - had its Fourth Part (with two chapters and exact one hundred questions with their respective answers) totally dedicated to the issue regarding earthly and future punishments and joys. 

In the referred to Code, which we mentioned in the first paragraph above, we shall use the 3rd of the 33 items to support the development of the subject. The original text declares: There is not one single imperfection of the soul that does not cause fatal and unavoidable consequences in the same way as there is not one single quality that does not cause joy.

Moreover, the human soul’s imperfections or qualities are the causers of happy or misguided actions. And these actions are characterized by the moral seal of the stage in which the being is. Therefore, thoughts, feelings, and actions performed in the course of a life reflect on one’s spiritual life and even in the next or future lives, according to the extent or seriousness of the respective action.

The law of action and reaction, or the motto "to each according to his own works," is based on a perfect mechanism of justice and absolute equality for all. There is no favoritism for anyone. When doing well, we will have the merit of the good. Acting badly, we will have to live the consequences. It is not a question of punishment at all, but of consequences.

Many sufferings could be avoided - Any injury we cause to ourselves or to others will have unavoidable consequences in our own lives. This is the Divine Law. And any benefit we distribute will cause corresponding merits and benefits to us, even if there is ingratitude on the part of those who benefited.

We begin to understand, therefore, that to harm anyone will never be rewarding, because we will answer for the evil we caused, including ourselves.

And, likewise, any happiness or peace that we provide to others will inevitably result in good for us.

It is not for no other reason that Jesus taught us to forgive. Enraged hatred, enforced revenge, or stubborn persecution of any person will result in stages of suffering and pain to its own author. By forgiving, we free ourselves.

It is also for the same reason that the constant recommendation is for us to do  well, even if this is not natural in us (we are learning to combine this within ourselves), because all good generates good. Evil will always have unpleasant consequences.

It is easy to see, therefore, that many of the present sufferings affecting our personal, social and collective life, including at planet level, could be avoided if we were aware of this reality, and of the consequences caused by our actions. How many misunderstandings are caused because we are not aware of this law that simply uses justice and equality as parameters?

We do not have the right to hurt, to demean, to slander, to plunder… we also do not have the right to kill, to steal (goods, dignity, opportunities, peace, and so on), to interfere in the life of others, to impose ideas or standards, which we deem correct.

All creatures deserve respect - Let's understand that creatures are free, and they want to be respected, just as we want to be...

This is the point: attempts to dominate, to impose, and to curtail individual freedom will always cause suffering, for we are all thinking beings, with our will, and responsible for our own path.

We can, of course, suggest, and advise (if requested to do so), help as much as possible, but we can never violate consciences. They all deserve to be respected.

The subject raises many discussions, and it opens many perspectives of study. It is seen that human laws themselves, reflecting the imperfections of the evolutionary stage of the planet, are often misleading, also generating consequences for the future. What is observed today is the result of all this collective unconsciousness of the mechanisms that guide our life.

One has to think about what is being done. We are no longer so naive that we are not aware of the moral laws. We are all on an evolutionary path where rights are equal. Such comprehensive rights must be respected by equality and justice.

And it is precisely because of the disrespect for such principles of equality and justice that one sees the effects in our material and spiritual life, and through the statements given by the Spirits themselves based on the moral standards they chose in their relationship with one another or with themselves.

Heaven and Hell itself contains testimonies, in its second part, of different Spirits that describe the situation in which they found themselves after their death. But the question is not only for after death. We have to consider our own present or future physical life, where the same consequences are felt.

God never abandons His children - It will be very useful if we can study and discuss the items of the Criminal Code of the Future Life, contained in the book in reference, to spread such clarifications. Even the testimonies contained in the same work are of great use for studies and reflections.

They are principles unknown to most of the Spirits incarnated on the planet, although consciousness, where the Law of God is written (1), warns them of their mistakes. Suffocated by the moral imperfections of pride, selfishness, and vanity, we still allow ourselves to suppress our own conscience and act to the detriment of our neighbor. Hence the unavoidable consequences and sufferings… In everything, however, one must always consider the mercy of God, who never abandons His children and constantly gives them new opportunities for progress. The subject is extensive, because we can enter the realms of repentance, atonement and reparation, but we really want to suggest to the reader the careful reading of the Code contained in Heaven and Hell.

The listed items, all of them, open immense perspectives of understanding and clarification, which would be impossible in an article of few lines. It is even better to seek from the original source the lucidity and clarity of the Doctrine itself.
To conclude, we would like to offer to the reader's reflection the phrase of Joanna de Angelis, in the psychography of Divaldo Pereira Franco, in chapter 38 - The glory of the work -, in the book Lampadario Espirita (Spiritist Chandelier)
(2): In the place where you are, you can always sow the light of hope and love. Here is a schedule of action to modify the outlook of human life. It is enough to place ourselves in the effort of doing well, to generate wholesome effects of happiness and health.

If we use this script in our daily attitudes, that's it! We will be attuned to the good, generating effects of love and joy – a simple consequence of the law of action and reaction.


(*) We used the 32nd edition of FEB, dated 09/84, translated by Manuel Quintao.

(1) Question 621 of The Book of Spirits, edition FEB.

(2) 3rd edition of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, May 1978.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita