por Eurípedes Kühl

Year 11 - N° 525 - July 16, 2017

The terrestrial psychosphere and the spiritual spheres (Final)

Continuing, I list other information in the Spiritist literature about spiritual spheres:

1. Yvonne do Amaral Pereira

"Devastating the Invisible," 9th Ed., 1994, FEB, RJ / RJ
- Chapter 1, pages 9, 16, 30: The author begins by recalling question no. 36 of "The Book of Spirits", in which enlightened Spirits state that there is no vacuum in the Universal Space. In "fluidic dwellings" one can see the pomp of Spiritual feasts. Pure Spirits, dazzling with light, are grouped into families. (...) The Spirits of the dead gravitate fatally and automatically towards the Spiritual Sphere that suits them, due to the law of affinities. (...) The life of Beyond-Tomb is very intense; wise Spirits inhabit regions in space (Spheres) that are forbidden to inferior entities; in the lower regions: misery and degradation, and are sometimes located in the Earthly perimeters themselves, as in their atmospheric regions.

2. Manoel Philomeno de Miranda

"On the frontiers of madness", Manoel P. Miranda / D. Franco, 9th Ed., 1982, LEAL, Salvador / BA
- Chapter 1, p. 19: describes the pestilential psychosphere in Carnival, Rio de Janeiro...
Minds of embodied and disembodied in psychic symbiosis, in a pandemonium spectacle produced a pestilential psychosphere, in which psychic vibrio and thought-forms were nourished.

- Chapter 19, pages 135-137: Soon after I had returned to Spiritual life, I perceived that there were concentric vibratory bands around the Earth, from the most condensed ones, close to the physical area, to the more subtle ones, distanced from the human movement in the Crust. (...) They were and are vitalized by the successive mental waves of the inhabitants of the planet. (...) They are densely populated regions, those of stronger condensations, where the nuclei of pain and the most primitive afflictions are easy to find, where the non-vigilant and irresponsible ones linger. (...) Of these multitudes that move without destination, unbridled and in delayed stunner, constituting hundreds of millions of beings in transit, living the state of inferior erraticism, are taken away to wild places, caves and swamps of the planet. (...) Mental life, in these spheres of unrest and in its colonies of terror, reaches unimaginable expressions of vileness and primitivism, in which cruelty assumes proportions of unpredictable insanity. (...) The dense and wide range of stronger vibrations on the city with a thickness of a few kilometers above the surface... (My griffins)

3. Cairbar Schutel

"Life in the Other World", 1st Ed., 1932, Spiritist Editions D' “O Clarim", E. de S.Paulo - Mattao (sic)

- Chapter "Plans of the Spiritual World," at pages 112 to 114: In the Other World (sic), as in this, there are planes of existence, they are worlds superposed, some above others constituting a kind of ladder of perfection. Probably these plans were symbolized, in Jacob's view, by a stairway with innumerable steps that, supported on the Earth (sic), reached the sky (sic). (...) The ancients had notions of these principles and believed in the existence of many superposed heavens, forming concentric spheres and having the Earth inside. The common opinion is that there were seven heavens, the last being the one of supreme bliss.
(I kept the spelling of the work).

4. Francisco Valdomiro Lorenz

"The Voice of Ancient Egypt", 4th Ed., 1980, FEB, RJ / RJ
- Chapter III, pages. 111-112: The Pharaoh had to spend his life after death for a long time in the astral sphere near the Earth's crust, suffering remorse and purifying himself through repentance and indulging in altruistic activities of service, guided by the wise Guides of Humanity. (...) Another Spirit was rising to ever higher regions. (...) There are still references on the third sphere.

The cited work mentions the existence of astral spheres, from infernal regions, to spheres of light and happiness; there are ever higher regions ... the "third" and "fourth" spheres are attainable by merits in the good.

5. Claudinei

"The Prism of a Thousand Faces," Spiritual Author Claudinei, Psychograph of E. Kühl, 3rd Ed., 2002, Edit. Fonte Viva, BH / MG

- Chapter "Seara dos Espíritos," pages 198 to 203: With a more detailed description of the Spiritual World, of which the Earth is its material counterpart, where the Spirits move in spaces corresponding to their evolution; such spaces, which for the sake of understanding alone could be compared to the terrestrial atmospheric layers, form hypothetical "spiritual steps," and one can imagine, still hypothetically, that there are seven such "steps", each according to the concept of a spiritual advance.

On these steps not only disembodied Spirits are found moving: the embodied also circulate through them, however they do not linger there, due to the out of body experience while sleeping, or due to mediumistic conditions; the Spirit ascends from one “step” to another considering its merit; even the most evolved Spirits can at any moment voluntarily visit lower planes.
The following descriptions are merely a projection of how far the human Spirit can rise; of course, beyond the maxim human perfection, new "steps" will be placed before it, towards the infinite, never attainable, because there is the "Perfection of Perfections" - GOD!

1st step: Compulsory "Habitat" of involute Spirits. Although in the spiritual plane, it is located by interpenetration in earthly regions, since its inhabitants do not have the minimum condition to detach themselves from the heavy fluids they generate and from which they feed. The scum of Humanity is there, the only place capable of presenting them conditions to repair their faults, by the remorse that comes from their sufferings, of which they themselves are the cause. Life there is very unpleasant: "there is crying, and gnashing of teeth," in the words of Jesus. All thoughts, usually bestial, take shape, in this area, which lies in grottoes and swamps, and probably the inner part of the Earth's crust.

This last location is supposed to have given rise to the conception of the "fire of Hell" - never extinguishable - because that is where the fusing nucleus of planet Earth is. Somewhere in these unhappy places lie the Spirits of the suicides, a place so sad that even the Sun itself does not reach it.
But there is also the Goodness of the Father, not forsaking any of His children. Messengers of Charity, in self-denying posture, continually go to the caverns and deep valleys (abysses), taking Hope and the Christian message to those lying there. When the blessed light of sincere repentance appears in the souls of such reprobates, it represents the float for the exhausted castaway: they are assisted by those kind Spirits, beginning the long journey that will lead them to the Good.

2nd step: it is also and still located within the level of the physical Earth. It is the place of Spirits attached to Earthly goods and bound to inferior desires. Such Spirits feel fulfilled when they obsess incarnates with them tuned to the same goals and also when they maintain an intimate connection with mediums that want to have some advantage. There is much suffering in this area, expressed by unmet needs, generating anxieties and frustrations. Not infrequently, legions of hardened Spirits and dictators enslave the weaker, paradoxically, through their own weaknesses.It is there that the so-called nightmares of incarnates happen. Their Spirits go to that region and become in tune, as soon as they are disconnected from the physical body, by sleep. Of course, in the continuation of this life, in which pain always accompanies them, the members of this area will become aware that such a life only increases their already not few problems. Then they will desire another condition, a moment when the divine spark that inhabits their soul will lead them to remorse, which will be a burning prayer, never neglected by God.

Step 3: It is truly where the spiritual region begins. In this layer the Spirits divide their interests, sometimes for material things, sometimes for higher, moral goals. This is the "step" of awakening to the Truth.

4th step: Here one finds the colony "Seara dos Espiritos" (Harvest of the Spirits). Here the things of the Spirit speak louder and its inhabitants are in a position to take, perhaps, the most important of their decisions: going forward to evolution, spiritual progress; or going backwards to the calls of the world.

Step 5: Determined by their spiritual evolution, the inhabitants of these enlightened spaces enjoy themselves in helping their neighbor. The loving tasks they undertake give them wonderful knowledge, first of Divine Wisdom and then of the human soul. Having full consciousness of their past debts, they strive to remove them, seeking reincarnations that enable them to ascend to the higher regions, where they can better exercise fraternity.

6th and 7th steps: Places where Love, Light and Peace prevail.
With the planet Earth as one of its destinations, the exhaustion of debts, through trials and atonements, one can suppose, with the greatest respect that even the inhabitants of these places still present traces of their debts before the Divine Justice. Nonetheless, due to their merit, they attend stages of extremely high teaching (and we can only suppose, once again) that they are taught by entities with a higher enlightenment than that found in Earth.

Thus, at this level, there are Spirits who, through the efforts, attitudes and works performed, in the Plan of God - Charity - obtain in them an option of permanence to higher flights of evolution: very probably, in a short time they will obtain merits to dwell in Regenerating Worlds.
As a rule, detachment is the tonic of these almost celestial stops, since its inhabitants, from time to time, are diverted from their spiritual luminosity and descend to the lower planes of human existence, to, in the manner of missionaries,  bring back the sheep astray, according to the unforgettable Parable of the Good Shepherd - the Master Jesus.


Still about the "spiritual steps," the spiritual author added other details, among which I highlight just a few:

- The steps of evolution do not have rigid boundaries, separating one from the other: they interpenetrate. This is because, in Nature, everything occurs in an orderly, sequential, dynamic...
- Each plane shows itself to the inhabitant according to the light that he can project.

- That is why a Spirit of an inferior region could not even pass through a superior one, because it would not have the individual conditions to illuminate its path and to identify the Spirits, objects, places, and so on of that plane.
- Spirits of the lower planes, which remain for some time in the "Seara of the Spirits" (Harvest of the Spirits), are protected by charitable souls, who welcome and accompany them in all their movements. Usually, its delay is small and has a specific destination: concatenation of the next reincarnation.
The "Seara of the Spirits", as well as other similar spiritual cities, have in their respective Departments of Reincarnation, branches of the "universal archive", with possibilities far superior to the "terrestrial network computing". In these affiliates individual records of Spirits are distributed to each of them. These archives require an advanced level of development on the part of their handlers, and they show sad personal, family, and even collectivities dramas.

6. Apostle Paul

I Corinthians 12-2
- "A man, in communion with Christ, was raptured... In the body and out of it ... To the third Heaven”...


In the Spiritist literature there are more works dealing with the Terrestrial Psychosphere. However, I believe that the records that have been exposed already offer enough material for readers to arrive to their own conclusions.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br




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