
por Humberto Werdine

The end of the world in 2019

It surprises me that today there still is a large number of Spiritists who think that the end of the world will take place in 2019; and enlightened Spirits like Divaldo Franco are frequently questioned about this matter. Divaldo even recorded videos to explain how he understands the words of Chico Xavier and others, who also wrote books and released videos on this issue. I wrote an article regarding this subject. It was published in October 2012, in the International Journal of Spiritism. The funniest thing is that the idea of ​​writing that article came after a long conversation I had with a non-Spiritist friend of mine, who was very concerned about the dates of 2012 and 2019, because he had read and heard that the Spiritists knew that the world was about to end on one of those dates. My friend, being a father and grandfather, was therefore very worried. And now I take this opportunity to update what I wrote in 2013, so that we, Spiritists, can once again understand what Chico really said and what Kardec explain masterfully in his magnificent work The Genesis.

I watched several times Chico Xavier’s video – The Pinga-Fogo program on TV in 1969 – as well as his interview at Hebe Carmargo’s show in 1985. Chico never spoke about the end of the world. What he said in Pinga-Fogo (1969) is that, if Humanity had not begun a war of massive proportions, within fifty years, the world would begin an era of greater peace and discoveries within the medical area, health and union among peoples. And what Chico said is in perfect harmony with what Kardec wrote in 1868 in Chapter XVIII entitled Times are coming. Let us see parts of this Chapter. In item 27, Kardec is very clear: The Earth, in the words of the Spirits, will not have to be transformed by means of a cataclysm that suddenly annihilates a generation. The current generation will disappear gradually and the new one will follow it in the same way, without any change in the natural order of things.

It is important to understand the above phrase because it involves many important points:

First: there will be no cataclysms that will annihilate a generation; meaning that there may be minor or major cataclysms that will annihilate hundreds or thousands of people, but never a whole generation, or a whole continent. These cataclysms are largely caused by man himself in his greed for more wealth and power, with dramatic consequences for the planet's climate, and when the various atmospheric conditions coincide and combine, hurricanes, typhoons and their consequences as gigantic waves and catastrophic floods happen. In this moment of great calamities, there is an enormous movement of solidarity all over the planet regarding these areas, a solidarity that is independent of religions or ethnics of those affected and its purpose is to offer material and spiritual assistance to those who are suffering. The result in the spiritual atmosphere of the planet is a wave of understanding, compassion, and charity that surrounds human hearts, lifting, even momentarily, the psyche of all Humanity.

Second, the transformation of the planet is gradual and continuous, meaning that reincarnations here will be more selective. Whoever is continually - from one incarnation to another - working for evil, and not working on his inner reform, as if continuously repeating the school year, will no longer reincarnate here. They will be replaced by Spirits more gentle and inclined to do well. This is what Kardec teaches us when he mentions – in the same item and Chapter: the generation that disappears will take with it its errors and losses; the generation that emerges, renewed in a purer source, with healthier ideas, will impress upon the ascending world a movement, in the sense of moral progress, which will mark the new phase of human evolution.

Going a little further, Kardec clarifies us about this new generation of Spirits that will inhabit the Earth, item 27 of the same Chapter: Everything, therefore, will be processed outwardly, as it usually happens, with the only, but capital difference that part of the Spirits - who incarnated on Earth - will no longer incarnate there. In each child born - instead of a backward and evil-inclined Spirit, who before would incarnate in this child - a more advanced Spirit and prone to good will come. And we can see today that this is already happening. Who doesn’t know some child that is different from others (and different from us when we were their age)? Children today are much sweeter, more understanding, more tolerant, who share their toys, and do not like aggressive games. There are several videos on the internet that show some of these children: some asking their parents not to quarrel or to accept each other, others who show their indignation when someone eats meat, others talk about charity towards those who are in need. These children are certainly part of the new generation Kardec was referring to. It is important to emphasize that this new generation cannot be labeled with denominations of indigo or crystal children, as mentioned here and there. This new generation is inclined to the good and replaces that generation which has repeated the school year continuously. This is how the world will change and it is already changing. The Planetary Transition, of which much is said, has already begun and is actually intensifying. Several important books speak of this issue and the book "Planetary Transition", psychographic of Divaldo Franco, is a milestone in this sense. Many enlightened Spirits are reincarnating here on the planet, others are programmed to reincarnate soon and others, not yet enlightened, but already workers for the well, have also reincarnated and are arriving year after year. The children of the new generation, those inclined to good, are thus arriving at a quick pace. The world is changing. The Transition has already begun and we are already on our way to the Regeneration planet!

The world is better and not worse. There is more light and therefore more clarity. With more light you see more dirt and dust hidden in the corners. Technology shows us at this very moment what is happening in the world. Catastrophes, diseases, wars, great corruption have always occurred. Who has not heard about the Spanish flu that killed approximately 40 million people in the beginning of the 20th century? And the black plague that killed almost 75 million people in Europe in the fourteenth century? Certainly there were groups of people and religious who said that the world was ending! Imagine if there was internet at the time. Hundreds or thousands of - “on duty drama inclined” - people would surely have said that the end of the world had arrived and that the signs were visible!

These catastrophes that occur today are also a consequence of the Earth’s rotatory orbit around itself, the Sun and other celestial stars. Just as an example, our planet’s rotatory travel around itself, spinning like a top, happens at a speed of 1,500 km / h and around the Sun its speed is 107,000 km / h! This trip is not free of obstacles, as asteroids and celestial bodies approach and can cause some catastrophes classified as natural.

Also the Earth's crust that surrounds our whole planet is not continuous, it is not a single piece of land that covers our entire planet; in fact it is formed by several parts like a big puzzle and these parts move, as if they slide over the magma that is inside the planet. This speed is imperceptible to us, is very small, a few centimeters per year, but these movements give rise to earthquakes, volcanic activities, tsunamis and so on. These physical phenomena are used as a tool of Superior Spirituality so that our little blue planet spiritually improves, since there is, as I said above, an atmosphere of solidarity that surrounds the whole planet when these phenomena occur.

The most intense light we have today on the planet comes from the Spirits, who are now reincarnating here, due to their spiritual improvement, and the more advanced moral stage of many of the population, and also because of the evolution of technology. Many people talk poorly about the internet, but it offers us a lot of knowledge and enlightenment. Corruption is easily identified, evil agreements are made public, tyrannical governments are exposed, and dictators and fascists are reported. Indignation with these situations is widespread. It is an additional light at our disposal. And how much good it brings us, how many consoling messages, university courses are made available to thousands of people, without leaving home. The internet shortens distances between the loved ones parted by thousands of miles! Other catastrophists and spreaders of the end of the world speak of a nuclear war that will wipe out the planet. The governments of countries possessing nuclear weapons know that they cannot use these weapons. It is mutual annihilation. They are weapons that can never be used. The modern ones today are Hydrogen, which makes those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki similar to the firecrackers on the Feast of St. John. Although there are still some dictators out there in the world, these weapons so powerful, so destructive, are technologically so complicated to build that any movement is easily detected. And in addition there are already international agreements and serious nuclear disarmament bodies that work, slowly true, with the purpose of seeking world peace.

Let us see what Kardec tells us about it also in item 21 of this same book: this phase is already revealed by unmistakable signs, by attempts at useful reforms and are beginning to bear fruit. This is how we see an immensity of protective institutions, civilizing and emancipating, under the influence and on the initiative of men evidently predestined to the work of regeneration. And this was stated by Kardec in 1868! As an example that this is happening, we must include here the creation of the United Nations in 1945 and the phenomenal progress of the implementation of the thousands of NGOs that work to alleviate hunger, cure diseases, give education and many other activities to restore the dignity of the populations of the most suffering areas of the planet.

But many people, who still believe in the end of the world, say that Jesus would have prophesied about this and use passages from the Gospels about them, especially Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21, all of them called Prophetic Sermons. Just as an illustration for my explanation, let's look at verse 3 of Matthew in Chapter 24, which is much used by the preachers of the end of the world. In many Brazilian versions it is written: Lord, when will the end of the world happen? In another Brazilian version, the Bible in Jerusalem reads: When will the end of time be? In the Latin Bible in Spanish it is written: When will the end of the story be? In the New American Bible it is written: When will the end of this age be? Also in the Revised Standard English Bible is written: When will the closing of these ages be? And finally, in the Latin Vulgate, which would be the principal source of reference for translations, it is written: When will the consummation of the centuries be? We can see that the interpretation through translations can lead to catastrophic conclusions... or not!

Jesus' answer indicates many signs of things that are already occurring or have taken place over the centuries, such as the various fratricidal and religious wars, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the genocide of the gas chambers, the radiation from nuclear bombs that have fallen in Japan and the false prophets who market their teachings. There are interpretations for every taste. But what fascinates me is the teachings of the Last Supper and the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus said He would send a Comforter, an Advocate to be with the Apostles and followers forever, as well as the guidance of those who would inherit the Earth, the meek and peaceful, the pure in heart. Jesus said, on several occasions, whoever has eyes to see, let him see. Whoever has ears to hear, let him ear.  But do we have these eyes to see and ears to hear? It is difficult indeed, but we must always work on our inner reform, fighting our past troubles, removing the wounds of selfishness, envy, pride, hurt, anger, which are cancers in our soul.  When we actually begin this work for this eradication, we will begin to have eyes to see and ears to hear. We cannot postpone it for tomorrow, we have to start now. And whoever has started has to continue and speed this work, because Jesus is in a hurry! We have to be faithful to the teachings of Jesus, although we often fail. But we always have to try. And Kardec, who brought the understanding of the maxims of Jesus in his Codification of the Doctrine of the Spirits, shows us much in a language easy to understand, but many times even the Spiritists interpret at their own pleasure the words of Kardec and the of the guiding Spirits, which illuminated his work. Hence these doubts and misinterpretations.

There will be no end of the world in 2019. If so, why would Emmanuel have reincarnated in 2000 and why would Joanna program her reincarnation for the next few years? It would be totally illogical, without purpose! In short, there will be no comet clashes, no wandering planet that will cause our destruction, nor a third total nuclear war, and there will be no total darkness. There is an end of a cycle, an end of an era. The cycle of evil is being replaced by a cycle of love and more tolerance. We Spiritists know that this is already happening. And it is intensifying. We are already in the Planetary Transition to a world of Regeneration. If we are going to participate and return as members of the new generation that Kardec told us, well ... this will depend on each one. Let's do our part now. If anyone still has any doubt, read The Genesis or... wait for 2019.



Eleni Frangatos



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita