Denise Castro do Nascimento Rodrigues (photo), was born in Rio de Janeiro but has lived in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, since 2013. She became a Spiritist more than 30 years ago, even though she was interested in Spiritism since she was a teenager. She is a Spiritist speaker, teacher and healer and is part of the team of volunteers at the Portal de Luz Spiritist Centre in the Cruzeiro Novo district of the capital.
She has degrees in Literature and Psychology and is the author of five Spiritist books. One of them has just been published, as she explains in the following interview:
What prompted you to write the book, A Turma do Bem (The Good Crowd)?
I was moved by my concerns with our young men and women and the lack of safe guidelines from parents, teachers and other adults who lack, as they also do, moral and spiritual values to provide as and example and to teach. I worked for more than five years in a mediumship group with a Spiritual Benefactor, who did an amazing rescue job with young discarnates who took with them to the Spirit World all sorts of imbalances and addictions. It was a deeply enriching experience for me. I am sure that this Spiritual friend helped me in the publication of the book. It took me about six months to finish to book after it was assessed by the editors for more than a year. I began writing in the year 2000, inspired, according to Spiritual friends, by stories that are told to me when my Spirit leaves the physical body during my sleep.
What assessment do you make of the participation of young people in Spiritist Centres, especially now, in these days?
Spiritist Centres are facing a big challenge with the young people, as society pushes them away with so much ostentation and the immediate pleasures, the illusions of material things as well as the lack of maturity. Many are backed up by their families in that world and stay away from religiosity.
What are the main problems to be overcome?
Spiritist Centres need to welcome those young men and women, providing them with knowledge and opportunities to put into practice important values for a balanced and Christian life. They must deal with today’s issues in a clear and simple manner, in the light of Spiritism, encouraging them to engaging in good deeds, wherever they are.
What role do Spiritist directors can play in the integration of young people in Spiritist activities?
Young people are still the victims of prejudice in many Spiritist Centres. Those in charge need to get close to the young and encourage them to come up with their ideas and concerns and to give way to their creativity.
What in your opinion need to change in the training of Spiritist educators taking into account the challenges of the world we live in?
We need to have debates on issues and themes of our times, which must provide young people with the opportunity they treasure so much to question. That will enable them to have a better understanding of the world they live in, provided it is done in a clear manner and in tune with the principles of Spiritism.
What are your plans for the future within the Spiritist Movement? Do you intend to carry on writing?
I am writing a new book, which is a story linked to the Emergency Outpost Young World, quoted in my book, Turma do Bem. I have received many emails from directors in charge of Youth Study Groups in Spiritist Centres emphasizing how useful the book is being. One of the directors, from the state of Mato Grosso, has told me that he was taken to the Outpost in Spirit by the Benefactors to help him deal with problems they were facing at they Youth Study Groups. That is my true reward!
What else would you like to add?
Jesus Christ is the one who has invited us to join our efforts and good will in favour of our neighbours, especially the children and young people, in whose hands is the task of bringing about a more fraternal humanity in the future. As we have read in Allan Kardec’s book, The Spirits’ Book, “progress will be achieved through the generations”. That is the main reason why we need to look after, with a great deal of love and responsibility, the generations that depend so much on us today. We often need to make sacrifices to make them into people who will be able to change this world, which is now facing so many problems in its evolution process. May each one of us give their love and enlightenment contribution, so that in the future we can reincarnate again in a peaceful planet.