Spiritism For Kids

por Célia Xavier de Camargo


The Scarecrow

In a vegetable garden, surrounded by heaps of vegetables, lived the Scarecrow.

Legs of wood, grass that was leaking here and there, arms outstretched, there he stood with rain or sun, cold or heat.

Wearing an old suit jacket, all mended, a straw hat on his head, frightening anyone who approaches him.

Children with fear threw stones at him; small animals ran away in terror when he swayed in the wind; and the little birds dared not to come near, afraid of his presence.

And the poor Scarecrow felt very unhappy, thus isolated from all, considered himself rejected and useless.

He used to see the man, with his huge button eyes, the hoe in his hand digging the ground, throwing seeds on the ground, placing stakes at tomatoes and peas roots, ripping off the weeds, really tired and covered on sweat. He had a great desire to help, but he could not leave the place, always in the same position.

The time has passed...

The seeds bloomed, the tomatoes and peas ripened; the carrots, sprouts and lettuce were already in the time to be harvested.

One day, the owner of the garden arrived bringing his son by hand and a package under his arm. The man spoke very affectionately, showing the garden to the boy:

- See my son, how beautiful our plantation is! The vegetables and legumes grew strong and healthy, and now ready to be harvested and served as food for many people. But I owe all this to someone that, without invaluable help, I couldn’t have achieved it. Someone who was always firm in his post, who never abandoned the task entrusted to him. Someone who, before dawn, was already at work and, when the sun disappeared into the horizon, was still firmly in place.

And, to the surprise of the dummy, who followed the very interesting conversation, he concluded, pointing him:

- My friend, the Scarecrow!

That poor dummy, whose heart was made of straw, was affected and even felt tears moistening his button eyes.

Approaching with an affectionate and grateful smile, the man said:

- You, my dear Scarecrow, for all the help you have rendered me without requiring anything in return, keeping away the animals and birds that would ruin the little plants, will win a present!

And unpacking the present he had brought, he showed, proudly:

- You're going to get a new suit!

And whoever passed through those bands, from then on, would see a beautiful Scarecrow in a nice plaid suit jacket, a new hat on his head, taking care of the garden, all proud of his task. And, oddly enough, if he looked well, he would see that a faint smile of satisfaction cheered on the Scarecrow's straw face. Because now he knew, like all people, he was also useful. He had a task to do, even though it was small, it was very important. And also because now he felt BELOVED!


Aunt Célia




Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita