
por Gebaldo José de Sousa

Messages of Hope: for times of sorrow

"Then will I teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto thee" (Ps 51:13).


About the times in which we live, let us see what Allan Kardec has to say:

"It is not rational to suppose that God destroys the world precisely when it enters the path of moral progress through the practice of evangelical teachings. Nothing, moreover, in the words of Christ, indicates a universal destruction which, under such conditions, would not be justified.

Since the general practice of the Gospel defines a great improvement in man’s moral state, it will therefore bring the reign of good and the fall of evil. Thus, it is the end of the old world, of the world governed by prejudice, pride, selfishness, fanaticism, unbelief, cupidity, and all the sinful passions which Christ referred to when He said: “When the Gospel is preached in the whole Earth, then the end will come"1 (Original Griffin).

False "prophecies" that are improbable or foolish are accepted with much credulity and fear by various religious currents, not using common sense to identify the undeniable mental imbalance of those who "received" them, and attribute them to Spiritual Entities, worthy of our total respect.

Others, who are naïve, ignorant, or have hidden purposes, use all means to spread them. Members of the Spiritist Movement are not excluded. They show that they do not know the Spiritist Doctrine, do not use reason, and do not study it. In good faith or not using common sense they mistake reliable prophecies for foolish things; they disclose their hasty or distorted conclusions and do not consider their harmful consequences regarding the immature minds that will receive and piously believe in them, and therefore are led to discouragement, and to hopelessness.

Francisco Candido Xavier speaks to us:

"Question: The celebrated Nostradamus marks the months of July and October 1999 as those of the final period of time we are going through. And he predicts to this time great cataclysms and social calamities. Should Nostradamus be taken seriously? Answer: With regard to the prophecies of Nostradamus, which we should study with the greatest respect for the human messenger of the known prophesies, Emmanuel asks us to read and meditate about the Book of Jonah in the Old Testament”. 2

Here is a summary of this Book: the Lord commanded him to go "to the great city of Nineveh, and cry out against it, for their wickedness has come up to me."

In order to escape His designs, he goes by ship to Tarshish, "far from the presence of the Lord".

Thrown into the sea, after episodes lived in the ship, he is swallowed by an enormous fish that, on the third day (a period of time of anguishes and prayers for him) vomits him on land. Jonah finally obeys the Lord and preaches to the inhabitants of Nineveh, telling them that their city will be overthrown. The inhabitants and even the King are converted, fasting and doing penances. The Lord, out of compassion and for the despair of Jonah's pride, suspends the punishment.

The Lord requires our conversion to His Laws, for "it is not the will of your Heavenly Father that one of these little ones should perish". Jesus (Mt 18:14).

Also "the Spirits of the Lord" have manifested themselves over time, notably in the twentieth century, warning us:

"(...) the spiritual scum, formed by the blind and deaf volunteers, will be exiled as a race of fallen beings, because no longer will the cursed thirst for gold predominate among men and a Christian fraternity will be implanted, under a single flag of peace.

The Spirits who are prepared for this great moral work of the planet are already in the midst of the shadows of the flesh to help the weak and free the oppressed in the fulfillment of evangelical promises and to sustain the stricken souls in their cries of the Apocalypse (...)

Jesus presided and will preside over all the transformations of the planet and what is necessary is that you identify yourself with Him. For this superior and dignifying work, you have the Gospel (...)

Pray and watch; but above all, love a lot; wait without discouragement and without impatience the time that is approaching. Be the true workers of the Divine Seara. (...)

You shall acknowledge its members not by their words, but by their deeds".3

"From the painful and coarse transitions that feature the present evolutionary period of Humanity, the world will be reborn better for Jesus, (…)

The time is of pain, but it is also of enlightenment for the world that is lost, because of the lack of humbleness".4

"In the whirlwind of the hours that go by, in the waiting room of Dante’s visions that approach, in the land of the lava made of blood and tears that pour and will pour over the whole Earth, is Brazil and, especially, the Ishmael Office, that are responsible to prepare themselves from now onwards to receive the millions that will come to their doors abruptly".5

"(...) the second sounding has already been given; the Angels of Heaven depart in all directions, descending from the Infinite, to raise the hearts fallen in weakness due to their behavior. (...)

Irradiate, brethren, your love, radiate tirelessly the teachings of the Master, so that the heart of the planet can sustain the whole world that resembles an ill body in need of new blood". 6

"Due to the impossibility of presently avoiding the outburst of formidable magnetic storms, purifying the psychophysical atmosphere of our world, the distressing pictures we see in the near future predict strong rains of tears, requiring Christian mercy, a strong Spirit and pure brotherly love, so that the bases of civilization are not reached by the roar of despair or by torrents of iniquity (...)

At the time when the great workers of the preparation are saying goodbye to the visible world, and the missionaries for assistance and resistance begin their task, the forerunners of the new times wear their robes of flesh for the work of the great reconstruction, already scheduled for the dawn of the next millennium".7

"You know... that the divine plan of evolution will have to be fulfilled, with men; and in spite of men, and that nothing, nor anyone, will be able to prevent our small but not insignificant orb of changing , in due time, from a world of trials and atonements, into a regenerated world. The foreseen times have already arrived and the signs announced are evident, to the sight of whoever sees even if just a little, with the sight of the Spirit (…)”.8

Ishmael, in prayer, begs the Divine Lord to bless the ones who help him in his commitment to spread the Gospel and that their connection with their hearts is important, in order to not being dominated by the difficult times that will affect the planet thus shaking the rebellious, when the elected ones will be preserved so that light may continue to illuminate the path of redemption".9

"Future blessings can be seen before us, despite the difficulties and problems of the present (...)

It is necessary to carry out to the end the higher goals of the Spiritist message, in this moment of upheaval and struggle that is falling over the Earth".10

"The suffering and visionary peoples, who will soon experience the terrible fire of the supreme trials, deserve and must urgently receive the help of the New Message from the Immortal Master".11

"Suddenly, the floodgates of the usual restraints are opened, and the terrible valleys - torn by the power of the consent of the Highest - give access to the daylight on the surface of the Planetary Crust to all who have hidden in the abysses.

Then, an apparent chaos seems, to the more timid, to threaten the stability of Civilization and shatter the world of shadows”.12 (*)

"Messengers, of great importance, coming from the higher spheres, are about to reincarnate in this manly land, to hasten the propagation and foundation of the reign of Regeneration.

From Egypt to India, from Rome to China, from Caldea to Babylon, their eldest children return to the planet to offer their lives and millennial experiences in the homeland of the Gospel”. 13 (*)

"Let us calm down ... and continue in our tasks, in the certainty that difficulties arise as factors foreseen and necessary for our personal enrichment and for the greater magnitude of the Work of the Lord, since we deal in a world in a painful process of redemptive transformation,in this stormy night of wickedness and pain, which precedes the splendorous day that is to dawn".14 (*)

"Rejoice because you live in these days; feel happy that you are called to the highest witnesses of life, because Christians without witness and Spiritist without Charity are adornments of the church of faith without luminosity and without reason".15

"Your testimonies will be more severe than those of the old pioneers. They gave their lives in a moment. You must donate it, for successive moments, in which you will slowly wear away in the same manner as the fuel, in the lamp that pours light, is also consumed. Subdue yourselves, illuminating the consciences with the Spiritist message".16 (*)

"Excessive pains, great concerns are unavoidable, difficulties-challenges (...)

May the thought of Christ sound in us and, considering our behavior, act in us the beauty of the Spiritist message that will soon change the thinking on Earth and expel, definitively, war, fear, dissatisfaction, generated by selfishness, which will give way to the altruism that Jesus offered us in the sacred lesson of Charity (...)

"Tests that will redeem open collective karmic debts are necessary; they will also open new horizons of spiritual maturity for our people, with a view to the future.

Without any catastrophic foresight, otherwise unjustifiable, we must prepare our moral resistance to defend our own balance (...)".17(*)

 "A new dawn arrives!

The dark shadows that have remained over Humanity give place now to the light of the new day. (...)

Spiritism will bring the renewal of Society, implanting the Primacy of Love, and it is you, my children, who must accomplish this, sometimes through tears, solitude and silence, not consenting to crime, and not living in error, whatever may be the comfortable justification"!18

"A wave of suffering sweeps the Earth and man cries. Death threatens him. In vain he wonders: what is life? (...)

You have requested divine permission to be reborn, sowing hope and light. You have prayed for the reincarnation permission to offer to Humanity the requirements for a Better World ... And the spiritual world has attended you. This is your time to serve".19 (*)

"Avoid quarrels; overcome the difficulties of interpretation; forget aversions, the differences of an affective nature.

If you cannot love in the same ideal, how can you plan love to those who do not agree with you? (...) 19 (*)

The Good Spirits do not hide their hardships and suffering, especially since the two Great World Wars. Texts were gathered showing encouragement, and consolation, in Messages of Hope, for a time of severe pain. They invite us to understand the Spirit of the Gospel; its experience and preaching; to work so that so many of the two Plans of Life may morally renew themselves and remain in this world.


Even after the storm has passed, Christ’s great heart will bleed with pain, because  - with deep and divine sadness – He will see the ungrateful and rebellious godchildren depart for a severe reeducation because they did not want to accept His sweet protection…"21 (*)

"Humanity’s regeneration, therefore, does not require at all the complete renewal of the Spirits: a change in their character suffices. This change operates in all who are inclined to it, as long as they are free from the evil influence of the world".22(*)

Our ultimate duty is to consciously follow Jesus’ Gospel, and to spread His message of Love untiringly so that the greatest number of souls can understand it and sincerely convert, for "the Kingdom of God will be installed, after all, sooner than it seems, in this world".23 (*)

There is nothing to fear but indifference and idleness! We are sure of the changes announced two thousand years ago! Love and Mercy will also follow those who go to primitive worlds. There is no need to worry about one or another alternative.

The Earth is the great boat that, apparently, threatens to crush in the midst of storms, but Jesus is the helmsman, who watches over all and well, and we know that even the winds obey Him! Work, serve, love, trust and attend the command of the Celestial Friend!

Here is the plea of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation:

"The great crisis, therefore, is unavoidable. It is, in fact, the great remedy against the evils that infest mankind. And Spiritists, for all they already understand, and for what they have already received, must prepare themselves, without panic and without being impressed by the raptures of catastrophic omens, to be the center of support for the emotional balance of Humanity, before the deep approaching transition". 24

 And, finally, like Jonah, let us learn to trust in the immeasurable Love and Mercy of God our Father!

(*) – Our griffin.



1. KARDEC, Allan. The Genesis. 34th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1991. Pages 395-396: Chap. 17, item 58;

2. WORM, Fernando. The Bridge - Dialogues with Chico Xavier. 2nd ed. Porto Alegre: Author's Edition, 1982. Page 65;

3. SAMPAIO, Bittencourt / Francisco C. Xavier. In the "Cries" of the Apocalypse. In the Reformer of March/34 and republished in the Reformer of Dec/76, Pages 365-366;

4. EMMANUEL / Francisco C. Xavier, 22.09.39. The Homeland of the Gospel and the House of Ishmael. The Reformer of June / 77, Pages 163-164;

5. ALCANTARA, Pedro / A.I.M., 23.09.71. Program of Faith. The Reformer July/ 72, Page 162;

6. BEZERRA / Maria Cecilia Paiva. The wakeup call. FEB / Rio, 10/08/74, the Reformer, Jan/75, Page 16;

7. CALIMERIO / Hernani T. Sant'Anna. Before the Future. 20.01.77, FEB / Rio, the Reformer, June/78;

8. AUREO / Hernani T. de Sant'Anna. New Year Message. 05.01.78, FEB; the Reformer, Jan/79, Page 5;

9. SAYAO / Giffoni. Go and Preach. 23.08.79, FEB / Rio; the Reformer, June / 81, Page 183;

10. MENEZES, Bezerra de / Divaldo P. Franco. From the Major Plan. 11.28.79, Salvador / BA; the Reformer, Feb / 80, Page 63;

11. VIEIRA, Antonio / Hernani T. de Sant'Anna. Holding hands. 29.11.79, FEB / Rio; the Reformer, Feb. 1980, Pages 43/4;

12. HELIL / Hernani T. Sant'Anna. Helil and Ishmael. 06.12.79, FEB / Rio; the Reformer, Feb. 1980, Page 44;

13. OLIVEIRA, Juscelino K. de / Itamar Costa. In the Spiritual Space of Brazil. 25.12.79, FEB / DF; the Reformer, May / 81, Page 156;

14. AUREO / Hernani T. Sant'Anna. Christian Confidence05.08.82, FEB / Rio; the Reformer, Mar / 83, Page 93;

15. BEZERRA / Divaldo P. Franco. Message of Bezerra de Menezes02.11.85, FEB / DF; the Reformer, Jan / 86, Page 28;

16. BEZERRA / Divaldo P. Franco, 07.11.87, FEB / DF; the Reformer, Feb / 88, Pages 55/56;

17. Bezerra / Divaldo P. Franco. Bezerra de Menezes speaks to the members of the National Federative Council. 17.11.90, FEB / DF; the Reformer, Jan / 91, Pages 12/3;

18. BEZERRA / Divaldo P. Franco. Primate of Love. 07.11.92, FEB / DF; the Reformer, Dec. 92, Page 361;

19. BEZERRA / Divaldo P. Franco. Message of Encouragement and Faith18.08.94, CEI / Miami (USA); the Reformer, Feb. 1995, Page 37;

20. BEZERRA / Divaldo P. Franco. New challenges. 05.10.95, FEB / DF; the Reformer, Dec / 95, Page 357;

21. AUREO / Hernani T. Sant'Anna. Universe and LifeRio de Janeiro: FEB, 1980. Chapter 12, Page 168;

22. KARDEC, Allan. The Genesis. 34th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1991. Pages 421-422: Chap. 18, item 33;

23. AUREO / Hernani T. Sant'Anna. Paradox. 20.08.81, FEB / Rio; the Reformer, Oct / 81, Page 302;

24. Editorial of the Reformer, Jan / 74, page 2.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita