"O Consolador" in a
new format
The periodicity continues
weekly, but from this date
this magazine presents, as
to its content, a new format
in its weekly editions,
which are no longer part of
the studies of Kardec´s
work, the spirit classics
and André Luiz's and Manoel
Philomeno de Miranda´s
books, as well as the
sections "Vernacular Issues"
and "The Spiritism answers",
all of them moved to the
permanent section of the
magazine, where they become
part of the Estudos
Diversos (Several
Studies) section -click
on link
Doubts presented hereafter
by our readers, regarding to
Portuguese language and the
Spirit doctrine, will be
appreciated and, if
possible, answered in the
Letter to the reader.
Our goal is that the new
format, more compact than
the previous one, will make
it easier for everyone to
read our editions.
An interview with the
confrere Manoel Azevedo da
Silva, based in the city of
Rio de Janeiro, author of
the book Healthy
Attitudes, is one of the
highlights of this edition.
In it, the interviewee tells
us about the content and the
proposal of his book.
"Vision from above" is the
title and also the theme of
this week's Especial, by our
collaborator Christina Nunes,
from Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Is
it possible to put ourselves
above the setbacks, the
passing frustrations, the
annoyances and the opinions
of others? The answer to
this question is the central
subject of the article.
In the year 1945 was born in
the city of São Paulo Love
and Peace, Spirit and
Beneficent Institution,
founded with the objective
of developing activities
focused on human evolution,
based on Christian values
and spirit principles. A
special article written by
our collaborator Marcel
Gonçalves tells us how it
came about and how the
important institution works. |