Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 583 - September 2, 2018

Theatre art in spirit propagation

Aurora Maria Barros from São Paulo is our interviewee this week. She is connected to the Seara Bendita spirit institution in São Paulo (SP), she tells us about the origins and goals of the Nair de Moraes Third Millennium Theatre Group, founded in 1995. The interview is one of the highlights of this edition.

The journalist Altamirando Carneiro, also based in the city of São Paulo, is the author of the special entitled "Work of giants", in which he recalls the events related to the advent of the first and main spirit work -  The Spirits´ Book by Allan Kardec - whose first edition appeared on April 18, 1857.

Divaldo Franco visited the cities of Bagé, Santana do Livramento, Santa Maria and Santa Cruz do Sul from 20 to 24 August, where he spoke to spirits and sympathizers of Spiritism who attended in large number to listen to him. Paulo Salerno tells us how the work developed.


Last month passed away our confrere Salvador Gentile, great disseminator of Spiritism and well known in the spirit milieu for his books and his translations of the work of Allan Kardec. Gentile was one of the idealizers and also president of the Institute of Spirit Diffusion (IDE), of Araras (SP). The burial of his body took place on August 17th in the Municipal Cemetery of Araras. To the friend who left, our gratitude and our best feelings.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado





O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita