
por Valéria de Oliveira Xavier da Silva

The good mediator of Jesus

In the message entitled “Mediumship”, dictated by Emmanuel in the Work “Mediumship and Tuning” - a Chico Xavier’s psychographics - there is the following sentence: “Mediumship without practicing the good is similar to the professional title without its corresponding function”. Emmanuel then tells us that our commitment within mediumship, as Christians, besides being with Spiritism itself, it is verb, it is to LOVE. It is interesting that when we speak of LOVE we all know what it symbolizes, but very few know how to exercise it in its full beauty. Perhaps reading a few lines of this text on the subject may perfume our souls to such an extent that, mediums or not, we understand with a little more clarity the divine glories of this good act.

I saw a post on the internet that listed 3 inappropriate and 3 appropriate postures of a medium within a Spiritist House. It started by saying: "Instead of goose bumps and jolts, hugs and kisses". There is in the sentence the intrinsic request for a mediumistic conduct without mystification and affection. Commenting on Question 104 in The Book of Spirits, which explains Imperfect Spirits, Spirit Miramez says that “false prophets of erraticism do not care much about the truth; their interest regards their personal affairs: they want to show themselves so that their pride stands”.

I purposely put a quote about the degree of advancement of the Spirit rather than commenting on whether mediumship is mature or not. I did this because the purpose is to understand the essence of the matter. And the origin of every act is found in thinking. Now, if we know that our mind belongs to the spiritual being, then what matters is our thinking in order to change our conduct.

By altering our conduct, the mentor who harmonizes with us to work (safeguarding the cases of unconscious mediumship, but nevertheless not putting aside the need for the self-reform) will not be embarrassed to see the medium with whom he is willing to work, allowing to be an instrument of less dignified phenomena, by their will and choice. Because what Spirituality wants is: to work, to help, and to serve. We understand that 20, 30 years ago it was common to still see in Spiritist Houses mediums that shook, howled, and made strange movements. Mediumistic insecurity, due to lack of studies, was great. In my hometown, when I was 17 years old and was in charge of serving the fluidized water at the pass room door, one day I came across a lady who was very startled at the end of the spiritual pass.

She told me, "My daughter, I don't think this laying on of the hands was any good". And I asked, "Are you still feeling bad?" And she said to me, "No ... but I am used to be given a spiritual pass by a certain medium who is not here today, and who gives the pass while he bursts open the champagne”.

At this point I left the glass of water on the table to wonder about this kind of differentiated pass of which I - an avid reader of the basic works - had never heard of before. The lady explained to me: “It is that he holds my neck, pulls it up, goes on pulling, runs his hand over my face, hair, until he gets hold of the “knot” that the obsessor keeps tied on to me, and breaks it, making a noise with the mouth, as if it were an exploding cork”.

I looked at that humble and concerned lady and explained very clearly that it was not the medium's grimaces that mattered. That she could take her pass with any medium of the Spiritist center without fear of being magnetically short of what she deserved, and that her faith at the moment of the pass, and especially after the pass, would always be preponderant factors in mentally placing her in the best spiritual places.

The post then addresses the following antagonism: Instead of "I felt your energy from here”, I "missed you". So the lack of charity toward the neighbor continues, because as Christ told us, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt. 22:34 to 40).

When the medium drains off without any filter and without empathy, the discomfort he may feel about a person, he can cause that the information he is offering compromises not only his task, but also the work of the Spiritist Center and an entire community. The Spiritist Code of Ethics impels us to have love as a banner not folded, but raised high in our consciences, in order to guide our actions, words, thoughts, always aiming to help the people with whom we interact, both at the time of laying on of the hands, as in any other situation.

Of course, we are not perfect. But the deposit of our personal reserve that involves matters that Spirituality shows us about each brother that we may help in the future - yes, that we can easily cultivate if we are willing to do so. Quoting The Book of Spirits, we have, in question 871, the issue about the necessity of trials. The answer states that "... if man has the choice between good and evil, the trial has the effect of putting him in struggle with the temptation of evil and giving him all the merit of resistance". So, it is a test for the medium the knowledge that Spirituality offers. It is power. And as power, it must be managed with sobriety so as not to harm its owner, only temporarily: with judgment, for an incarnation and without judgment, Spirituality can stop all mediumistic contact in order not to further complicate the incarnation of the mediator.

The last opposite sentence - in the quoted post - states: Instead of "In my previous life I was so-and-so”, it should be “I want to be better every day”. So the post ends with an invitation that instead of looking back on past lives, basing our mediumistic development of today on previous social positions, where we belonged through the millennia, wanting the people around us to see us through mediumship as differentiated beings and that we become, through the mediumistic channel, brothers in Christ of all, standing there in front of the person, in the moment of exercising passivity, full of love, hope, gratitude for the opportunity to be able to interact being the transmitter of something that is not ours, but belongs to the High itself, which so much wants us to be happy. Beyond that, let us use everything we know about our previous lives to gather, reconnect, forgive, and evolve as well. This means to have a fruitful futuristic vision in the use of mediumship.

I end these few lines with Mother Teresa of Calcutta's phrase: "He who judges people has no time to love them". It will be in the constant exercise of the discipline of thought, always turning our attention to the Sun called Christ that we will find reasons that reason is unaware of simply accepting with an open heart the people who come to us, with their needs, their longings and trials. At that moment we will lift our eyes and speak softly the phrase that Francis of Assisi taught us in a song: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace". So at that moment, when we turn to the person to offer a spiritual pass, we are giving, beyond the energies of the High, the renunciation of who we are in favor of someone. And that - I believe - may be a good phrase to define a good mediator of Jesus.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita