
por Rogério Miguez

What is the purpose of a Spiritist House?

Families are the cells that form many societies, and the maladjustment of these societies is evident when families are unbalanced; on the other hand, if families are better adjusted, the collective beings that make up these same societies also become more harmonious as a whole.

In a similar way, the cells that form the Spiritist movement - physical presence within the communities spreading the practices and teachings of the Doctrine of the Immortals - are the Spiritist Houses that protect the “Spiritist families”.

Although we know that Spiritists are in different levels of evolution, because each one lived their own experiences over time in a unique way, these associations should operate if not in an identical way, at least in a similar one; after all, the Spiritist postulates are unique, based on the fundamental and other works published by Allan Kardec, so it is not justified to invent and create absolutely new practical concepts, because the Doctrine is still settling in the world; so how could it already need substantial adjustments and modifications to its bases? This does not make sense.

However, we have observed strange behaviors within the movement, arising from the personal desires of those who practice it, sometimes influenced by the lower spirituality, disregarding Spiritism itself, as we know, still consolidating itself through many struggles and challenges. By doing so, they create practical novelties that can undermine the true goals of Spiritism.

Considering this reality and trying to align some concepts about the subject, extracted only from one of the many reliable literature - Trails of Liberation - we listed, in the order in which they appeared in this work, some warnings pointed by Spirits of considerable evolution regarding the purposes of a Spiritist House –the basic unit of the movement:

I - “We understand the concept that defines: Where the interest in money predominates, moral austerities are scarce, particularly where the gratuitousness of services should prevail, as long as they derive from mediumistic action. The Spiritist Society is a place of enlightenment of conscience, of moral ennoblement and charitable action, and without these practices it loses its characteristics, and it becomes an earthly club where foolishness, deception, and exploitation prevail”.1

This guidance draws particular attention to the delicate issue of money. Especially in relation to the gratuity of the tasks performed in a Spiritist House. There can never be any acceptance of material goods, whatever they may be in exchange for the services rendered. This warning was made because the work of Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, author of this work, was developed in a Center where the main medium received gifts for the healing works performed.

We can take this lesson and expand the concept a little further, remembering that it is not good to openly ask for money in a Spiritist House, for whatever reason. Because of this, Andre Luiz stated 2: “At doctrinal meetings, never raise donations through collection of money, raffles, due to the inconvenience they present, since such arrangements can be taken into account for payment of benefits. The purity of the practice of the Spiritist Doctrine must be preserved at all costs”.

If the House needs money in special situations, beyond the usual expenses, as a suggestion, call the former workers and leaders and make a joint effort where each one could donate a part of the needs, in proportion to their financial situation. However, we understand, never to put up posters and notices giving knowledge of the financial needs of the House; this may create a misunderstanding among the attendees, who may be forced to donate in exchange for the possible benefits obtained at the Institution.

Reiterating the recommendation of Manoel Philomeno when commenting on the danger of transforming the House into a club, it is always good to remember: in clubs there are bingos, raffles and dancing parties, never in Spiritist Centers. 

II - “Surely, mediumship is not to promote healing, as arbitrarily supposed and intended by some who ignore the mission of Spiritism on Earth. If they were bound by the Doctrine, such behavior would be incomprehensible. However, in a Spiritist Society, the primary task is the enlightenment of conscience in the face of the reality of life, its purpose, its best way of acting, preparing individuals to be free from the yoke of ignorance, the great generator of countless evils. Nevertheless, the love of God also allows us, the discarnate, to seek to help human creatures when sick without surrendering to unjustifiable competition with earthly physicians by believing that we can do everything ...”2

In this paragraph the question of healing in Spiritist Centers is commented, because the House visited in this work acted with a misguided healing medium, along with his "guide", due to his vanity and lack of vigilance. The Spiritist Center can be seen, among other ways, as a hospital, no doubt, but of souls, not physical bodies. It is noteworthy at present that there is a tendency in certain institutions to favor alleged physical healing in a light attempt to increase the number of visitors. A lecture on the possibility of cures is announced and the House is filled with avid patients seeking the restoration of their poor health through, perhaps, possible miracles. It is a fact that humanity is sick, but of the Spirit, and the Spirit, while morally ill, makes the body physically ill, not the other way around. Thus, the priority of a House would be to educate the sick - all of us - to learn not to get sick anymore, thus getting rid of their many sicknesses, which represent nothing more than immediate responses to the follies perpetrated by the Spirits according to behaviors far from the divine principles in the present life, as well as in the previous ones.

Equally, using this wise guideline, it is hoped that Spiritist Institutions will not soon become psychic psychological offices, in a vain attempt to rival the professionals in the area in question. There is nothing against studying Joanna de Angelis's Psychological Series, quite the opposite; this can and should be analyzed in depth, since they are works that teach us a lot about psychology, however, in the light of Spiritism.

III - “For the sake of us all, we suggest that this month we return to the original work that motivated the creation of our Institution. We consider the charity of the healing of the body to be of great relevance, but our commitment is to the spiritual health of creatures. Ours is the program of enlightenment of conscience, that we may not be divorced from the first activity, which is the moral transformation of men for the better, remaining in the aid of the effects of inadvertence, disorder, and disregard for the sovereign laws of life”.4

Once again the wisdom of enlightened spirituality is present when it suggests to the House in question the return to the origins, when there was no concern with healing of material bodies, highlighting the Doctrine's commitment to the renewal of creatures, that is, Spirits, therefore, renewed, truly learning to practice praying and watching for the continued study of the Spiritist lessons, can conduct themselves balanced in their existences, without being discouraged or overwhelmed by possible test-diseases or atonement-diseases. The priority of a Spiritist Institution is to educate, and the best script today available to illuminate the mind of the immortal Spirit through the immutable laws of God is found in the works of Allan Kardec.

IV - “For this reason, the Spiritist House advances to the condition of a School, providing the contributions for the study and the analysis of the creatures, freeing them from the beliefs and superstitions, while offering them the resources for action with freedom without fear, with responsibility without retentions, perfectly lucid about their fate, which is itself the result of their choices and attitudes. A society that conducts itself faithful to these concepts and determinations becomes just and equitable, and the members that form it will no doubt be happy”.5

One can once again perceive the concern of the lucid Spirits in ratifying the primordial purpose of a Spiritist House: to educate the immortal being.

Moreover, if we observe that the work from which these few quotations were taken dates from 1996, when, according to the understanding of superior spirituality, the Spiritist House would be advancing to the condition of an Educandary, it is not understood how, after more than twenty years, part of the Spiritist movement, represented by some institutions, still insists on turning the Centers into medical offices!

To the dear friends of belief, today forming the great Spiritist family, we believe this is one of the most important challenges to reach us: to maintain the basic units of the movement, that is, the many Doctrine disseminating institutions, small cells constituting the Spiritist fabric in the various communities, aligned today and always only with the postulates and practices presented in the truly Spiritist literature.

By the unavoidable task of education, in its broadest sense, we can surely carry forward the extraordinary message bequeathed by the tireless work of the lioness master Allan Kardec.



1 FRANCO, Divaldo P. Trails of Liberation (Trilhas da liberação). By the Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda. 9th edition, 1. reimp. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1996. Chapter 5 - The medium Davi and Dr. Hermannn Grass. P. 50

2 VIEIRA, Waldo. Spiritist Conduct. By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 13th. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1987. Chapter 11 - In the temple.

3 ______. ______. Chapter 6 - The challenge. P. 55

4 ______. ______. Chapter 8 - Disobsession services. P. 68

5 ______. ______. Chapter 8 - Disobsession services. P. 73

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita