It was a hit
the 5th Spirit Congress of
The Web Fraternity Radio
celebrated its 11th
anniversary in a great
style, it sponsored the
congress. The central theme
“The Mountain Sermon: The
Beatitudes”, the event was
in January, 24-25-26 at the
Convention Centre
auditorium, in the Shopping
Mall of Uberlândia. Rodrigo
Castro tells us how it was
in an especial report which
is one of the spots of this
Another spot is the
interview given by the
educator José Airton Salazar
Parra, biologist and master
in ecology and natural
resources. He lives in
Promissão, a city in São
Paulo state, where he was
born too. He participates in
spirit midst in the
activities of the Home of
Hope in his town. In the
interview, the main subject
was peace, which he also
spoke in the recent event,
as he reader can check it.
This edition has been
published the final part of
the Especial “Productive
Mediumship Meetings”,
written by our collaborator
Gebaldo José de Sousa, from
Goiânia (GO). He examines
many items related to
organization and operation
of the mediumship meetings,
as group formation,
attendance and the care that
the participants of the
mediumship team must have to
succeed at work.
It was published by EVOC –
The Virtual Publisher of The
Comforter Thursday, January
30th the e-book Orvalho
– Crônicas reunidas (Dew
- Gathered chronicles),
authored by Cínthia
Cortegoso from Londrina. The
book, as all works published
by EVOC, is not printed and
can be downloaded for free,
just access the Publisher´s
web page. Here is the link: Orvalho
- crônicas