The confrere Wellington Balbo brought up a pertinent discussion about the impact of Spiritist dissemination in his inspired article entitled: “Charges to enter Spiritist events. What is the benefit of this discussion?”; published on February 23 in the reliable O Consolador. When directing his criticism to a delicate topic, he wrote: “I keep thinking that it is a discussion that leads to absolutely nowhere and the essence of what should be on the agenda of the Spiritist movement is lost: i.e., the dissemination of Spiritism and its teaching”.
In another passage from his disturbing text, the author stated: “I think that these events, it is as if we are talking to ourselves, there can be anything there except the dissemination of Spiritism”. Very properly he also highlighted the absence of Spiritist material in relevant communication means, not exactly aligned with the Doctrine, such as a widely circulating newspaper or a radio program, for example. Upon concluding his sensible reasoning, he saw the potential positive result of such a feat, that is, communication with non-adherents to Spiritism.
Having said that, I suppose most people have no idea what Spiritism really is about. For that reason, your proposal, in my view, is necessary to achieve this objective. In his words and, in terms of disseminating of the doctrinal principles, “It will be better if we join efforts to make Spiritism reach other hearts”.
So, for my part, I have no remark to make - since I share the same understanding - except to welcome his suggestion. It is evident that Spiritism faces and will face numerous obstacles to its diffusion. The scenario of religious competition in the country - not to mention throughout the world - is well defined, and each of the existing currents does what it can to offer its “solutions” and enlist more followers.
For my part, I endorse the idea that Spiritism permeates everything. However, I have to admit that controversies prevail, even in our midst. In this way, while we sleep over our perceptions and beliefs that are not always up-to-date and pragmatic - especially in the face of the increasingly painful and exasperating human problems - other religious currents are advancing decisively gaining an audience through interesting speeches and self-help tools.
This is the case of Buddhism, for example, which has been obtaining considerable penetration in scientific hosts with its mindfulness meditation and philosophical proposals aimed at improving the economic approach, capitalism, ecology, decision-making processes and managerial development. Similarly, in the Catholic, researcher Laszlo Zsolnai, analyzed the economic and spiritual issue from a Franciscan perspective. There are also interesting papers and studies derived from Hinduism, Confucianism and Islamism, which are moving in the same direction: helping human progress through more spiritualized ideas.
Meanwhile, Spiritism, specifically in this sphere, produces little extramural on the beneficial effects of prayer, edifying and instructive reading, phenomenology, spiritual pass, studies, lectures, life and society and so on. Spiritists lack enough boldness to break certain standards of understanding if, in fact, they want something more.
In fact, Spiritism has a very powerful and consistent source of recommendations to offer to human evolution, but still practically unexplored in the hermetic and serious area of scientific knowledge. In this sense, it is worth remembering that changes take shape and new paths to progress are envisaged. It can be argued that the implacable peer review process, typical of academic publications, represents an almost insurmountable obstacle. There is no doubt that substantial difficulty lies in this particular. It is also unequivocal that the dark representatives are infiltrated in the countless areas in which human knowledge is produced.
The latter, in fact, in their unfortunate task, make the absorption and dissemination of healthy ideas as difficult as they can, especially those that appeal to a transcendental epistemology and, therefore, drive to the understanding the reasons for our existence. Therefore, breaking down tradition and silos of the so-called mainstream is an arduous task; however, it must be faced fearlessly.
From this perspective, Spiritism and its edifying principles can offer exceptional counterpoints and counter-arguments to the regeneration of human thought, especially in this chaotic scenario in which we are interning.
Let us consider, for example, the puerile charms with artificial intelligence, as well as the collective indignity generated by the excessive and petty concentration of wealth that expands shamefully on the planet. Clear signs of a race that has not yet been able to glimpse - broadly speaking - the importance of humanism and fraternity in their conceptions and social achievements. It is for no other reason, in my view, that the spiritual question is still treated as a subject of minor importance.
However, depending on the answer given to question 799 of The Book of Spirits by the distinguished Allan Kardec, Spiritism can indeed help humanity. How? The spiritual teachers said so:
“By destroying materialism, which is one of the wounds of society, it makes men understand where their real interests are. Leaving the future life to be veiled by doubt, man will better understand that, through the present, he is given the opportunity to prepare his future. Abolishing the damage of sects, castes and colors, it teaches men the great solidarity that will unite them as brothers”.
Expanding the possibilities of helping the human element, The Spirit Vianna de Carvalho, in the work Atualidade do Pensamento Espirita (a psychographics by Divaldo Pereira Franco), categorically affirms that Spiritism has connection with all branches of knowledge.
Based on this interpretation, there is consequently an inexhaustible field of work for Christian Spiritists to assist in spreading the Comforter promised to Humanity.
As far as I am concerned, I have endeavored to do so in the field of applied social sciences. [1] and [2]. It is a thorny mission, generally riddled with (undeserved) destructive opinions from my colleagues in the scientific community, and, therefore, full of unpleasant and disappointing surprises.
In fact, over the years I realized that there are a plethora of incarnated entities working in the scientific field dedicated to preventing human transformation towards God. Despite this, and within my modest intellectual possibilities, I have been able to achieve something in terms of results in the spread of Spiritism (particularly in the dissemination in English, since this is used by science on a world scale) in the field mentioned above.
Slowly, thus, the “veil of Isis” fades with the introduction of deeper and wiser formulations arising from the revelations of the venerable mentoring Spirits and applied to human problems. In this way, my enthusiasm for the consensual criticism presented by the aforementioned confrere stems from my conviction that we need to look further outside our exclusive doctrinal scope. In doing so, we will take our knowledge to other hearts thirsting for light and enlightenment.
This work is worth it!