
por Jorge Hessen

Huss and Kardec - two characters and a brilliant Christian

Jan Huss was born in Husinec in 1369, in former Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) under the reign of Emperor Charles IV and under the pontificate of Gregory XI. He was a peasant son. He entered the University of Prague, where he graduated in Theology. In 1400, he was ordained a priest and, in the following year, he held the position of rector of the same University.

The Bethlehem Chapel, where Jan Huss preached, was set up in order to speak in Czech. Before that, it was only possible to speak in Latin. The Roman Church occupied a prominent place in Bohemia and used faith as an instrument of domination and was able to commit unspeakable atrocities in the name of God to maintain its power.

Huss published a treatise, where he developed the thesis that a Christian should not run after "miracles". He defended the ideal of priestly poverty and condemned the earthly heritage of the high clergy of the Church. He exalted the Czech language and abhorred the imposition of Latin, as the curia determined. He was a symbol of independence and with the support of King Wenceslas and the people, he was honored as a patriot and national hero.

As a writer, he contributed to set the rules of spelling and reform the Czech literary language. He approached the opinions of John Wycliffe, who was a professor at the University of Oxford, and became doctrinally his disciple.

On July 6, 1415, the condemnation of Jan Huss, who burned at 46, in Constance, was announced. The place of his death is still marked with a memorial stone; its ashes were thrown into the waters of the Rhine.

In the central square of Prague, an imposing statue was erected in his honor, an impressive monument that lives up to his Life and Work, in order to perpetuate his legacy and memory through the ages. A year after the martyrdom of Jan Huss, his disciple Jerome of Prague was also immolated at the stake of the Inquisition.

Huss, the first martyr for religious freedom

The two thinkers (Wycliffe and Huss) rejected the traffic of indulgences, condemned the bellicose policy of the Church of Rome and papal superiority. They defended Christ's supremacy - and not Peter's - as chief and head of the Church, they considered the Gospel “the only law”.

The concerns of a religious reform were added to the national demands, in view of which Huss is considered the first martyr for religious freedom. He was one of the precursors of the Reformation. He did not accept the abominable trade in indulgences and defended the end of celibacy, the worship of images and masses said in Latin. These ideals were later embraced by Martin Luther. Therefore, more than a hundred years before the German theologian presented his famous 95 Theses.

The Protestant Reformation was necessary for the advent of Spiritism, since if Christian theology remained under the dominion of the Roman church, the teaching of Christ would be destroyed. Therefore, the Lutheran Reformation and the movements that followed it were a preparation for the arrival of the Spiritist Doctrine. It's A fact! In the post-Protestant Reformation period some Spirits reincarnated with the special mission of digging up the dead letter of the Gospels, so that, after three centuries and much effort, the Comforter promised by Jesus, through the voice of the Spirits, could rescue on behalf of men the divine essence of all the lessons of Humanity’s Model and Guide.

Husinec's enlightened son was the predecessor and personality model of the conspicuous Allan Kardec, therefore, he was the pioneer of the Spiritist philosophy. The parallel between the two personalities is really extraordinary. Let us observe the exact period of 500 years between the date of Huss's birth and that of Kardec's disincarnating.

Jan Huss and Allan Kardec in a concise existential analogy

Jan Huss was a reformer of the language of his country, as a lexicographer emeritus, a translator of the Czech language. Allan Kardec, also an educator, was a translator of books for different languages. Huss had some of his works burned by the Church in a public square, as well as Kardec had 300 copies of Spiritist works incinerated in an act that became known as the Barcelona Act of Faith. This is the same Spirit, in its authentic Christian experience in both personalities, who was very close to the message of Jesus and the New Testament.

In the Spiritist Magazine of September 1869, in the article Spiritism Pioneers (Precursores do Espiritismo) - there is a mediumistic communication by Jan Huss, dated August 14, 1869, after being evoked by one of the mediums of the Société Parisienne des Études Spirites.

Tribute to Allan Kardec's 138th birthday - a psychographics

Here we evoke a breathtaking message, a psychographic by Chico Xavier on September 22, 1942, dictated by “Irmão X” (Humberto de Campos) and solemnly read on October 03, 1942, in honor of Allan Kardec's 138th birthday, during the Third Spiritist Concentration of São Paulo, which took place at the Pacaembu Gymnasium, here it is:

“After addressing the numerous missionaries of Science and Philosophy, destined to renew the thinking of the world in the 19th century; the Master approached the selfless Jan Huss and spoke kind heartedly:

—You will not be the bearer of new inventions, you will not dwell on the problem of material convenience to civilization, nor will you receive the stewardship of money or temporal authority, but I lay the sublime task in your hands of raising hearts and consciences.

The meeting of advisers on land activities was touched. And while the former champion of truth and goodness was touched by the Holy commotion, Jesus continued.

—The circles of planetary life are prepared for major changes in the realms of thought. A great number of workers in the world, disregarding the evolutionary meaning of life, believe in the revolution and its destructive principles, organizing homicidal movements. Soon, despite our unveiled assistance, which will neutralize major disasters, misery and slaughter will arise within invigilating collectivities. Tyranny will land on Earth, in the name of freedom, heads will roll in public squares in the name of peace, as if law and independence were the fruits of oppression and death. Some drivers of thought, maddened by a personalized destruction, convert the transitional period of the orb into a revolutionary whirlwind, poisoning the spirit of the peoples. The priesthood organized on economic grounds cannot prevent catastrophe. Philosophy and Science have intoxicated the very sources of action and knowledge!

It is essential to establish measures that support the faith, preserving the creature's religious treasures. I entrust to you the sublime task of rekindling the lamps of hope in the heart of humanity.

The Gospel of Love remains eclipsed in the game of unreasonable ambitions of vicious men! Go, my friend. You will open new paths to the sacred aspiration of souls, opening the heavy curtain of shadows that has been absorbing the human mind. In restoring the truth, however, do not expect the laurels of the world, nor the understanding of your contemporaries.

My envoys are not born on Earth to be served, but because they serve the needs of the creatures. They do not receive applause and tributes, facilities and terrestrial advantages, however, my peace strengthens and raises them, each day... Often, they only know the difficulty, the obstacle, the misfortune, and find no other refuge than the desert. However, it is necessary to erect the sanctuary of faith and to walk without rest, despite persecutions, losses, crosses and tears!

Faced with the emotion of the workers of the cultural progress of the terrestrial orb, the selfless Jan Huss received, the elevated mission that was conferred on him, revealing the nobility of the faithful servant, amid jubilation of recognition.

Later, Allan Kardec was born in Lyon in the 19th century bringing the divine message.

A devoted spirit, he never forgot the sublime commitment. He did not find schools of spiritual preparation, but he never underestimated the wealth of resources he had in himself. And, as it was intended to demonstrate that the sources of prophets must flow from all regions of life to support and enlighten the eternal spirit, although in the framework of the great men of thought, he estimated to make the first flights of his divine mission in the common area where he remains the generality of creatures. Depending on the prediction of Christ, the French Revolution had prepared with blood the empire of the Napoleonic wars.

While the workers of modern culture laid new foundations for the building of world progress, the great missionary, without any concern for reward or exhibitionism, fulfills the sublime task. And that was how the 19th century, which received steam navigation, the locomotive, the electrotype, the telegraph, the telephone, the photograph, the submarine cable, anesthesia, the steam turbine, the phonograph, the typewriter, the electric light, the seismograph, the linotype, the radium, the cinematograph and the automobile, became the receiver of the Divine Light of the revival of the Gospel.

The dedicated disciple tore the narrow horizons of skepticism and the invisible plane found a new channel in order to project itself into the world, softening its dense shadows and renewing the foundations of faith.

Some of the companions of spiritual struggle, although after the hostilities in the environment, received applause from the world and protection from prestigious governments, but Jesus' emissary, in the desert of great cities, worked in silence, enduring calumnies and mockery, overcoming difficulties and misunderstandings.

At the end of the laborious task, the faithful worker had triumphed.

Soon, the consoling Doctrine of the Spirits illuminated hearts and consciences, in the most diverse points of the globe.

Allan Kardec, having come from the highest circles of educational processes in the world, had not forgotten the need for spiritual wisdom. Eminent disciple of consecrated teachers, such as Pestalozzi, did not forget the ancestry of Christ. A worker in the service of redemption, he understood that he had not come to Earth because of his individual whims, but with the higher powers of life.

Its exemplification is a program and a symbol. Conquering the halo of the victorious missionaries, he did not join the gallery of the great in the world, because he only indicated the saving path for terrestrial humanity.

Allan Kardec not only preached the Consoling Doctrine; he lived it. He was not a simple Encoder of principles, but a faithful servant of Jesus and men.”

In short

Huss first worked in defense of the New Testament and later Kardec worked on the construction of revive Christianity, on the Codification of the Spiritist Doctrine. We therefore remember, with gratitude, the six centuries passed by Huss' martyrdom, in favor of the Truth. A day will come when people will revere the wise Spirit Huss / Kardec as one of the most enlightened missionaries of Christ who has ever stepped on Earth.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita