
por Arleir Francisco Bellieny

From Genesis to Quantum Biophysics: in a time of pandemic

"Science is called to build the true Genesis, according to the Laws of Nature." - Allan Kardec (1)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein


In the early days of the organization of human societies, religion and science were confused. Sacred books were the only source of answers and clarifications to all questions, including the Code of Civil Law.

It is not surprising that even today religious centers are sought for treatment of physical health, in the light of the supernatural, of faith.

We find in The Gospel According to Spiritism the following considerations by Allan Kardec: "Science and religion have not been able to understand each other until today ... they repelled each other ... something would be needed to fill this vacuum ... a connecting link that is in the knowledge of the laws that govern the spiritual world and its relations with the bodily world ... but in this as in all things, there are people who remain backwards, until they are dragged by the general movement that will crush them if they want to resist it instead of abandoning it". (2)

Scientists have greatly helped us to understand and understand the cyclical movements that have been occurring over the centuries.

Max Planck discovered in 1900 that energy is emitted in packets (quantum). And everything happens in frequency. Everything is energy in its various manifestations. (3)

The purpose of quantum thinking is, in reality, to change perception and consciousness.

Beliefs, habits, behaviors, the way of thinking can be the triggers of physical, psychological, spiritual adjustments or maladjustments.

Victimizing behavior can lead a person to develop chronic and / or degenerative diseases. For example, cancer, depression and other pathologies that can lower immunity, altering metabolism, favoring the absorption of intruders, such as viruses and / or vibrational frequencies present in a state of spiritual maladjustment.

When conducting research in the United States of America with more than 40,000 patients using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dr. Andrew Newberg (4), a professor at Thomas Jefferson University, found that prayer and meditation are very powerful in the treatment of various clinical pathologies.

Other researchers at the Moffit Cancer Center, Florida, found that patients who believe in a higher strength had more physical health than unbelievers.

People who attend masses, Spiritist Centers, religious temples, once a week, live 23% more and better than those who do not cultivate this habit.

Studies have concluded that: Belief and faith make us better people.

Allan Kardec in question 479 of The Book of Spirits, asks: "Is prayer an effective way to cure obsession (frequency)?" The Superior Spirits replied: "Prayer is a powerful help in everything. It is necessary, therefore, that the obsessed (the person) does, in turn, what is necessary (change of frequency) to destroy, in himself, the cause that attracts the evil Spirits ".

Quantum physicists and scholars of Transpersonal Psychology and Quantum Biophysics, using state-of-the-art instruments, have established quantitative parameters to measure the frequencies of emotions.

The David Hawkins pattern scale (5) ranges from 20 Hz to over 1,000 Hz. It is noticed that the emotions of shame (20hz), the lowest state of consciousness of the human being, of guilt (30hz), of hurt (75hz), of fear (100hz) are kept in contraction. Whereas the emotions of love (528hz); joy (540hz) and peace, total transcendence (600hz), are constantly expanding, towards enlightenment (700hz or more) and above (1,000hz), the final illumination, in which Humanity is confused with the divinity.

The attentive reader will notice in this observation that love is not the summit, the ultimate goal. It is, yes, a gateway to a new "modus vivendi" with joy and peace, so desired and 'pursued' by so many. The Gospels stimulate us by pointing out the love of neighbor, so that we can learn to develop in us the ability to reach that frequency, distancing ourselves from others that do not bring us any physical and vibrational benefits.

"Blessed is he who, surpassing his humanity, loves his suffering brothers with great LOVE!" (6)

Neuroscience further explains the power of gratitude. The feeling of gratitude activates the brain's reward system (Nucleus Accumbens) giving the sensation of pleasure and well-being, and releases the hormone dopamine, typical of people who live in high levels of positive emotions, optimism, vitality. Oxytocin, also produced by gratitude, is the hormone of affection, tranquility, attachment, empathy, reduces anxiety, modulates sensitivity to fear, phobia, anger. It is worth remembering that the brain is not able to feel the frequency of gratitude and unhappiness at the same time; this gives us the clarity that the choice will always be under our responsibility.

"To each according to his works." (7)

The Master of Lyon, studying the theme of relative happiness and unhappiness in “The Book of Spirits”, Question 920, asks if man can enjoy complete happiness on Earth. The following answer was given: "No, since life was given to him as proof or atonement. But it depends on him to alleviate his evils and be as happy as one can be on Earth". And he adds in question 921 that man, practicing the Law of God (which is written in his conscience, The Book of Spirits, 621), will be able to achieve happiness as great as his gross existence allows.

As a transpersonal clinical psychologist and past life therapist for 27 years, attending thousands of clinical cases, as a facilitator in the surprising discoveries that the unconscious brings to the light of consciousness, the author recognizes that the daily evolution of science has shown us the direction of the great established alliance. As the researches above demonstrate, people who seek the exercise of Religious Faith, Meditation, the encounter with themselves, who develop a certainty that there is a superior and universal energy and the Human Being is connected to this force, feel more peaceful and happy. They increase immunity in the metabolism, increasing the frequency vibrations and promoting a healthy longevity. They understand more clearly the importance of life on Earth.

Thus, the purpose of each of us becomes meaningful. It is as if we find the answers to those questions that we all once asked: What did I come here to do? Where did I come from, where am I going? The feeling of security is indescribable because it is unique.

All of us, each in our own way, have our own experience. There lies the beauty of life!



1. Kardec, Allan, Genesis, chapter IV, item 3. 6th edition, IDE, 1994.

2. Kardec, Allan, The Gospel according to Spiritism, chapter I, item 8, 217th edition IDE, 1997.

3. Planck, Max, German Physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918, "The Father of Quantum Physics" (1858-1947)

4. Newberg, Dr. Andrew & Waldman, Mark, How God Can Change Your Mind, ed. Bob.

5. Hawkins, Dr. David R. - David Hawkins scale.

6. Lazarus, Paris, 1862, The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter XI, item 8.

7. Holy Bible, Matthew, 16:27, João Ferreira de Almeida, S.B.B. 1999.


Arleir Francisco Bellieny is a clinical psychologist, international Spiritist exhibitor and founding member of the Rio de Janeiro Medical-Spiritist Association and the International Medical-Spiritist Association - AME International.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita